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Cardinal Pietro Parolin

Ordination of Shane Costello takes place in Knock

Archbishop Michael Neary told Shane that his responsibilities as a priest will be counter-cultural when he preaches Christ’s gospel: “As a priest of Jesus Christ you will proclaim his message, you will do so utilising your gifts, interests and insights but it will always be his message not your own preferences or prejudices,” said Archbishop Neary.


Archbishop Michael F. Crotty ordained in Cloyne Cathedral

Ceremony marked the first time an Apostolic Nuncio was ordained in St Colman's and Archbishop Crotty is the first priest of the Diocese of Cloyne to have been appointed as an Apostolic Nuncio.


Double jubilee in Loreto as Pope adds another 12 months to Laurentan Holy Year

"In this difficult time for mankind, Holy Mother Church gives us another twelve months to start anew with Christ, letting us be accompanied by Mary, a sign of consolation and sure hope for all," says Archbishop Fabio Dal Cin, Pontifical Delegate to the Shrine of Loreto.


Pope pays tribute to John Hume’s “untiring efforts to promote dialogue”

"Make no mistake about it – there are people alive today who would not be alive had it not been for John’s vision and his work” - Fr Paul Farren at the Funeral Mass of the former leader of the SDLP.


Taoiseach and ACP express support for Fr Oliver O’Reilly

Cavan parish priest offered "moral leadership in a difficult time” through his homily following the kidnapping and assault on Kevin Lunney, a director of Quinn Industrial Holdings.


Vatican calls for greater action to combat trafficking

Pope Francis and Cardinal Pietro Parolin highlight the work done by church initiatives such as Talitha Kum and the Santa Marta Group in fighting this global scourge.


Pope Francis pays tribute to first bishop of Kildare

Pontiff joins parish of Newbridge and diocese – 1500 years after St Conleth died on 4 May 519 – in "giving thanks to Almighty God for the example of this saintly bishop and abbot”.


Benedict XVI blames clerical paedophilia crisis on 1960s

Catholic commentators dismayed by claims that the crisis stems from the sexual revolution, the disappearance of God from public discourse and liberal theological ideas that eroded morality after Vatican II.


Pope Francis appeals for fraternity in Yemen and Syria

In his traditional Christmas day Urbi et Orbi message, the Pontiff prayed that Syrians might “find fraternity after long years of war” and that Yemen’s recent truce would bring relief to its people and children “exhausted by war and famine”.


Faith and reason must come together to avert climate crisis

Katowice agreement was not sufficient to give us confidence that the Paris agreement would be implemented says Irish delegate at Climate Conference.


Buildings start turning red in solidarity with persecuted Christians

Rialto Bridge and waters of the Grand Canal in Venice bathed in crimson to draw attention to the discrimination that Christians like Asia Bibi suffer in many parts of the world.


The planet is “on the brink of an unprecedented global catastrophe”

Pope Francis is due today to address Vatican conference ‘Saving Our Common Home’, hosted by the Dicastery for Integral Human Development.


Archbishop Jackson prays in solidarity with Copts in Egypt

“It has become increasingly clear to us that respect for human life is sacrosanct and that it lies at the base of political life, dialogue and civil society.”


Possible papal visit to Northern Ireland next year

Migration, the European project, climate change, poverty and the effects of globalisation on families were the focus of “cordial discussions” between Pope Francis and President Michael D. Higgins.


Archbishop of Westminster call for prayers

The Cardinal was among religious leaders from different traditions who gathered for a vigil on Friday for the victims of Wednesday’s attack in Westminster.


Trump urged to promote peace and well-being in world

According to New York Times exit polls, Catholics overall voted 52 per cent for Trump and 45 per cent for Clinton.


Vatican to issue new stamp for canonisation of Mother Teresa

A number of events are planned to mark Pope Francis' canonisation of the ‘Saint of the Gutters’ on 4 September.


Pope Francis deplores acts of terrorism in Munich and Kabul

“At this time, our spirit is once more shaken by the sad news relating to the deplorable acts of terrorism and violence which have caused suffering and death.”


Pope appeals for return of kidnapped priest

Salesian Fr Tom Uzhunnalil was taken captive on 4 March during the course of a terror attack on a home for the elderly in Yemen.


Pope Francis sends blessing to Limerick Synod

“Save for Pope John Paul II’s visit to Limerick in 1979, this is probably the most important moment for the Church in this diocese since the last Synod, all of 80 years ago.”


Pope laments “blind & brutal” violence of terrorism

The Easter message speaks especially to those seeking to escape from persecution and poverty.


Pope condemns ‘diabolic’ killing of four nuns

Gunmen kill four Sisters and twelve people working in care home run by the Missionaries of Charity in Yemen. Concern for missing Indian Salesian priest.


Episcopal ordination of Mgr Paul Tighe in Rome

Dublin priest will serve as Adjunct Secretary for the Pontifical Council of Culture.


Pope Francis baptises 26 babies in Sistine Chapel

In new book, Pontiff states “The Church does not exist to condemn people, but to bring about an encounter with the visceral love of God’s mercy.”


ACI support introduction of married priests

Support for Bishop O’Reilly's suggestion that the bishops set up a commission to study the possibility of ordaining married men & appointing female deacons.


Timor Leste celebrates 500 years of Catholicism

The Church has provided great spiritual, human and material support to the people making a decisive contribution towards Timor Leste’s process of liberation.


Pope condemns ‘senseless’ attack in Kenya

We must stand up to the men of violence Archbishop Martin exhorts in Way of the Cross reflection.


Over 30,000 young people attend Taizé gathering

Young Orthodox, Catholics and Protestants from 65 countries gather in Czech capital in solidarity and prayer.


Pope decries indifference to Mid East Christians

Pontiff and Vatican Secretary of State call for an adequate response to Christians' suffering by the international community to prevent new genocides.


Irish Church marks Day for Life & Rosary Sunday

Bishop Leahy pays tribute to Donal Walsh who “encouraged us all to really value the gift of every moment.”

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