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Free online evangelisation conference live from Cork this weekend

One keynote speaker is the exceptionally popular and established teacher and author, Dr Scott Hahn. Fr Mike Schmitz, one of the most sought-after Catholic speakers in the US, will also be presenting at the online conference.


‘Light Up! Light Up!’ is call to all churches in Cork

“Although our Church buildings might be closed, Christ our Light is still present and alive in so many ways as our light and hope," say Cork's bishops.


‘Maternity units in sub-standard condition’ among scandals in HIQUA report

We need to re-focus on delivering the best care possible for mothers and babies and to avoid the ongoing rush to prioritise abortion funding to the clear detriment of mothers, babies and staff – Pro Life Campaign.


Funeral Mass celebrated for murdered man from homeless community in Cork

“The next homeless person we meet, we might treat them with a little more sympathy and kindness. For whatever we do to the least of our sisters and brothers, we do it to Jesus” – Fr Howard.


SVP annual Christmas raffle in Cork gives donated car

The winner of this year’s car is Eoin Duggan from Ballincollig, with runners-up from around County Cork receiving cash prizes from €500-€1,500. 


MSC memorial Mass attracts global interest

“Bereavement touches us all and the service is a very special way for families to remember together,” state the organisers.


Novartis closure is a devastating blow, says Bishop of Cork and Ross

"As a nation, we need to ensure that our reliance on foreign direct investment does not lure us into a false sense of security," said Bishop Gavin, calling for greater support for indiginous industry.


Four congregations organise Convent Camino in Cork

While organisers welcome young people, they are also interested in meeting those who have lived some of their life in the world before they come into religious life, because then they are making a discerned choice.


Popular religious sister back to lead Novena in Cork

“Our annual Novena is always a wonderful time of reflection and prayer, and it is with great joy that we see our Novena celebrations grow as people from all over the world join us via the live daily Masses on our website” – Fr Michael O’Connell.


Wilton Mass for Celtic soccer team legend

Celtic supporters attending the Mass in Cork are encouraged to wear Celtic scarves and jerseys. The Mass will also be streamed live online, a facility being offered by SMA Wilton on its website.


Still one of us campaign highlights ongoing battle for life

“We’ll just keep persevering in fighting for the right to life of the unborn just as people on the pro choice side didn’t give up when they lost 2 to 1 in 1983,” says David Quinn.


Church supports bid to cut knife crime at Standing Together rally in London on Saturday

It is imperative for all to stand together with other Christians to speak against youth violence, support victims and help to find solutions to rebuild trust on our streets, in our parks, neighbourhoods and communities, says Cardinal Nichols.


Peter McVerry Trust welcomes Housing First programme

“Working to address your issues from a stable home with the help of a highly skilled, professional multi-disciplinary team is much more successful than trying to do so from a congregated setting like emergency homeless accommodation or living rough on the streets.”


Joyous celebration as Meath diocese gets new bishop

“As I begin my new ministry as Bishop of Meath, pray with me that all who minister in this diocese will treasure and foster that sense of joy that transcends our own worries, failings and shortcomings, and enables us to reach out to others.”


Baby shoes at Youghal Mass make small steps towards healing

“There is a lot of hurt surrounding these issues and there will be for decades, but the hurt will never go away if we don’t acknowledge it and try to find a way of healing,”


Meath prepares to welcome new bishop

The man to be the next Bishop of Meath, Tom Deenihan, has a wealth of experience in the field of education, having been a teacher, a diocesan education secretary and general secretary of the Catholic Primary School Managers Association.


Diocese of Cork and Ross prays for papal visit in August

The Holy Father understands our tradition of family life and mission in reaching out to others in faith, says Bishop John Buckley


Nano Nagle Place opens

“I believe that the vision, the dream of Nano Nagle Place honours the past, is an expression of our living heritage, it is a prophetic witness of the power of Nano’s story and our story in finding new ways to respond to the needs of our world today in order to be a sign of hope for the future." Sr Mary Deane


Lord Mayor of Cork to launch new interfaith calendar

“Our aim is to increase people’s acceptance that there are different faiths present in Ireland today and help them understand that we can all live with and get on with each other.”


GOAL aid worker receives Presidential Award

“Now more than ever, the compassion, empathy and generosity of spirit, so characteristic of our people in our best moments, are displayed by our awardees here today” President Michael D Higgins


Homeless crisis worsens

Focus Ireland warned that these two new sets of figures clearly show that the homeless crisis is continuing to deepen with less than five weeks to Christmas.


American sisters find warm welcome in Limerick

There are trends to secularisation all over the western world and Ireland is no different. It’s a serious challenge and problem in society but we need to be able to answer the call to meet that challenge head on.


Three Faiths Forum Cork condemns violence

We believe that it is an imperative that people of faith come together and explore how our various faith traditions can help foster a spirit of openness, dialogue and inclusion within our society.


Waterford and Lismore convenes special conference on future pastoral needs

The meeting was organised to explore ways in which the diocese can respond to the pastoral needs of parishioners in light of the declining numbers of priests.


Help for young people making decisions in life

Cardinal Martini began Samuel Groups in Italy in 1989. Each year for the following decade he brought together about 200 young people in his diocese of Milan for monthly meetings on Sunday afternoons.


Vocations Ireland expands training

We are refocusing our way of communicating with young people – Vocations Ireland


New NET youth workers arrive in Cork

"There wasn’t a whole lot happening in Cork (in youth work) and now we are seeing something really good" - Fr Alan Neville MSC.


Homeless crisis hasn’t improved since death of Jonathan Corrie

Special edition of SVP Bulletin highlights how Corrie's death “sparked a national conversation about homelessness but many campaigners feel the situation has not improved since then.”


Young people set off for World Youth Day

Irish young people travelling overland to WYD - already en route.


One of country’s longest serving nuns receives Papal Medal

Work of Presentation Sister Sr Alphonsus O’Brienw was "overflow of her prayer life" says bishop.

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