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Gun attack on Nigerian Catholic church leaves 11 dead

“The gunmen came thinking that their target was in the church but he was not.”


Irish priest’s peace building and conflict resolution programme expands in Africa

In 2009 Fr Patrick Devine SMA founded the Shalom Centre for Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation. It has now trained over 9,600 community leaders and village elders as peacemakers.


Nigerian missionaries commended for their work in Ireland

"We are here because you first came to us. We are the fruit of your labour. Today, many Churches in Nigeria are named after St Patrick. St Patrick is the second patron of Nigeria after Our Lady.”


Concern’s Fr Jack Finucane C.S.Sp. dies suddenly

His work “leaves a real, positive, and enduring legacy for millions of people across the globe” – President Higgins.


Ireland’s new Papal Nuncio is an African

One of his first tasks in Ireland will be the appointment of bishops, including appointments to several dioceses that have been vacant for some time.


Nigerian schoolgirls freed by Boko Haram

The Nigerian government announced the release of the young women who were among 300 abducted from the high school in Chibok in April 2014. Ever since then a high profile campaign has been under way under the title ‘Bring Back Our Girls’.


Christian are the most persecuted

“Christian responses to persecution are almost always nonviolent and, with very few exceptions, do not involve acts of terrorism,” states recent report.


Honour St Patrick by welcoming migrants and feeding the hungry, says bishops’ message

The plight of Patrick, himself a migrant, has been faced by many Irish people who have struggled to live and integrate into new cultures.


Death of last Spiritan from Irish Province to minister in Nigeria

Apart from a short time in pastoral work in New York during the Nigerian Civil (Biafran) War and subsequent studies in Nova Scotia, 90-year-old Fr Paddy Foley spent almost all his 60 years of priesthood in Nigeria.


President Higgins speaks out against xenophobia

“Racism and xenophobia are garnering electoral power in many countries” – President Higgins.


The world is at war because it has lost sight of peace: Pope

All religions “desire peace. Other people want war,” Pope tells journalists en route to WYD in Krakow.


Lack of medication resulted in abducted priest’s death

Fr John Adeyi's decomposing body was found on 23 June in Benue State. The vicar general of St Bernard's Catholic Diocese of Otukpa was seized by armed men on 24 April.


Ruhama calls for law to combat trafficking & prostitution

301 women were assisted by the NGO according to the 2015 Annual Report including 94 victims of sex trafficking, an increase of six over the previous year (88 in 2014).


Tipperary remembers walk-loving missionary priest

Parishioners of Moycarkey-Borris parish pay tribute to Fr Paudie Moloughney SPS with an 8km 'The Circle of Life Walk'.


Eight Spiritans celebrate 60 years of priesthood

Fr Enzo Agnoli moved from Italy to Ireland with his family and both he and his late brother Savino became Spiritan priests for the Irish province.


Genocide survivor is Global Citizen of the Year

Tributes to winner Colette Nkunda of Misean Cara for her contribution to development and sustainability.


OLA nun helps victims of Boko Haram in Nigeria

Sr Anne Falola OLA reports on the efforts of the newly opened Maria Centre in the Nigerian capital Abuja to support those displaced by Boko Haram’s violence.


Report highlights difficulties of Nigerian Christians

In several areas the Christian presence has become virtually extinct; elsewhere congregations have grown due to an influx of Christians fleeing violence.


Bishop Leahy pays tribute to Minister’s brother

Fr Jim Noonan was an Irish missionary priest with the Kiltegan Fathers and served in Nigeria for 47 years.


Death of Irish former Vincentian superior general

Drogheda-born Fr Richard McCullen led the worldwide congregation of Vincentians from 1980 until 1992.


Slain Ogoni commemorated with postgraduate award

Winner of inaugural Ken Saro-Wiwa award announced as daughter of Ogoni activist and missionary nun recall his sacrifice for his people and homeland.


Syrian Archbishop recounts desperate suffering

“At this very moment, bombs are raining down on the residential neighbourhoods of the city. There may be as many as 60 dead and 300 wounded."


IMU talks to celebrate 50 years of Ad Gentes

October - mission month - will see a series of seminars take place every Thursday evening on the impact of the Ad Gentes decree on the mission activity of the Church.


Clonfert to welcome two priests from Nigeria

Parish priests from the Diocese of Jalingo will take up appointments for a period of three years with the option of staying for longer.


Nigerian priests set to begin ministry in Kilmore

Introduction of overseas missionaries aims to offset the decline and ageing profile of Kilmore's priests.


Inadequate support in Ireland for trafficked persons

No convictions specifically against sex or labour traffickers in 2014 international report shows.


OLA Provincial elected new president of IMU

"The IMU has a responsibility to do what we can to keep mission alive in this country as we struggle with the many questions posed to our faith and missionary commitment."


Hundreds of asylum seekers living in limbo: JRS

Jesuit Refugee Service calls on the Government to provide funding and support to help them transition to life outside Direct Provision.


Family relieved as Irish priest released from captivity

Delight in Co Mayo as missionary Fr Billy Sheridan SMA, who was kidnapped north-west Nigeria, released unhurt.


Women and girls rescued from Boko Haram

The Nigerian army has found graves containing hundreds of decomposing bodies including those of women and children in Damasak, Borno State.

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