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Irish agriculture know-how for Africa

If even a fraction of the learning of Irish agriculture reached Africa it would lift many millions of people out of extreme poverty, says Gorta–Self Help Africa


Plight of Middle Eastern Christians discussed at Sligo meeting

For the first time Ireland hosts meeting of national directors of Aid to the Church in Need (ACN).


The world is at war because it has lost sight of peace: Pope

All religions “desire peace. Other people want war,” Pope tells journalists en route to WYD in Krakow.


Donations to Trócaire continue to rise

Last year’s Trócaire Lenten campaign raised almost € 8.3 million, which was about a 4 percent increase on the 2014 figure of €8 million.


Thousands attend OLA-SMA Knock pilgrimage

“Migrants are our brothers and sisters in search of a better life, far away from poverty, hunger and exploitation, much like our forefathers at the time of the famine."


Pope chides those who get rich at expense of poor

Christians err when they think there is a ‘theology of prosperity’ in which God “sees that you are just and gives you much wealth”.


Immigrant Council welcomes navy mission to Med

8,500 people survived thanks to the actions of the Irish Navy crews in 2015 and many more will be saved in the coming weeks.


Irish clerical abuse survivor critical of Amoris Laetitia

Mark Vincent Healy disappointed that there is only one reference in Amoris Laetitia to the issue of the sexual abuse of children.


Immigration is here to stay: Bishop Buckley

"Remember you too were treated harshly abroad, building London’s underground, the mines of Yorkshire, in the docks of Boston or in the new cities of Sydney and Perth."


Priest urges people & church to embrace community

The way forward for the Catholic Church is to implement the “community model” of Church proposed by the Second Vatican Council.


Barney Curley receives ‘Human Dignity Award’

Ireland's most famous gambler, having raised millions of euro for schools and hospitals in Africa, is honoured by Oireachtas Human Dignity Group.


Pope praises Uganda’s treatment of refugees

Pontiff calls for “good and transparent governance, integral human development and a wide and just distribution” of Africa’s goods.


Pope Francis begins six-day visit to Africa in Kenya

“We have a responsibility to pass on the beauty of nature in its integrity to future generations, and an obligation to exercise a just stewardship of the gifts we have received."


‘The whole world is at war’ Pope Francis laments

“Here before the door of this Jubilee of Mercy, let us ask that the world discover the ability to weep for its crimes, for what the world does with war.”


UN fears poor harvest may cause food shortages

FAO & WFP warn that drought and flooding over the last growing season has caused the number of food-insecure people to increase by 13%.


Synod on family concludes with message of mercy

Synod Fathers call for a more welcoming Church for cohabitating couples and Catholics who have divorced and civilly remarried.


Schedule for Pope Francis’s visit to Africa unveiled

Irish missionary, Fr Eddie Murphy, believes the papal visit will highlight the extent to which the Church in Africa is dynamic and still growing.


Report to highlight scale of persecution of Christians

Aid to the Church in Need to publish ‘Persecuted and Forgotten? A Report on Christians oppressed for their Faith 2013-15’.


Clonfert to welcome two priests from Nigeria

Parish priests from the Diocese of Jalingo will take up appointments for a period of three years with the option of staying for longer.


Pope will visit Kenya, Uganda & CAR in November

The Kenyan bishops have chosen as their theme, “To stand strong in the faith”.


Council of Europe honours Irish missionary nun

Sr Dr Maura Lynch MMM, a doctor-surgeon and obstetrician, recognised for her ground-breaking work with women devastated by obstetric fistula in Africa.


Culture of communion generates shared wealth

Addressing poverty, must centre on the premise of "building fraternity as equals, enabling participation and empowerment to take root": Dr Lorna Gold.


Govt urged to press EU on persecuted Christians

Persecution is intensifying, Archbishop Neary warns, with ancient Christian communities driven from their lands through ethnic cleaning.


Eyewitness report from Zomba diocese in Malawi

"We have been helped enormously by our brothers and sisters in Ireland and other countries and this sustains us mentally, spiritually and financially.”


Number of catholics has grown globally by 15m

The total number of priests in the world increased by 895 to 414,313.


Primate heartened by news from Stormont

"It is good to see ‘Heads of Agreement’ rather than ‘Headlines of Disagreement’ emerging from the talks."


President Higgins makes Ebola plea in Ethiopia

On behalf of the Irish people, President pays tribute to the “courageous” health workers, doctors and nurses, battling to contain the virus.


Former Taoiseach and Nuncio launch new facility

Fundraising campaign aims to cover cost of new retirement home for returned Missionary Sisters of the Holy Rosary.


Trócaire highlights damage of EU biofuel policies

Communities being forced off their land to make way for biofuels.


Poll shows continued support for overseas aid

Seventy-seven percent support investment "even in an economic down-turn."

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