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Pro Life Campaign claims that babies with disabilities are routinely in danger

“Dramatic decrease in the number of babies born with Down Syndrome in England will be replicated here” – Pro Life Campaign.


Haiti charity worker wins humanitarian award

We are people of hope, and we are very positive, and we always try to push the message that although Haiti has many problems, we can do many things and many other people like us are doing great things – Gena Heraty.


Special Olympics athletes return home to hero’s welcome

Ireland's squad of 91 athletes came home with a haul of 86 medals – 30 gold, 29 silver and 27 bronze.


Calls for action and for prayer as referendum date looms ever closer

“Pray that Ireland will continue to earnestly support and care for the right to life of the unborn child.”


More than two-thirds of workers with a disability are without jobs

Without specific government intervention there is little chance of an increase in the number of disabled people with jobs.


People are only hearing sterilised version of abortion, PLC conference hears

“People don’t want to think about the brutality of what happens to the baby but when you’ve worked in an abortion clinic or thought about it, there is no escaping what it entails” – Abby Johnson.


Abortion is a disability rights issue, Bishop Doran tells Athlone conference

If the inclusion of people with disability is a characteristic of a civilised society, why would we accept discrimination against unborn people with disability?


Accident survivor gives testimony of faith and hope

“I believe in the kingdom to come, and I’ll go on till the end of time,” Fergus McCormack tells congregations in Kildare.


People with congenital disabilities are facing extinction, says British Lord

“If we were animals, perhaps we might qualify for protection as an endangered species. But we are only human beings with disabilities, so we do not,” says Lord Shinkwin.


Home-sharers wanted for short-term fostering in Mayo

Western Care is on a mission to recruit at least 20 host families within the next six months.


Parents angry and dismayed at NI abortion bill

Term ‘fatal abnormality’ is “medically meaningless and used to dehumanise babies” – Every Life Counts.


Irish missionary to receive Presidential Distinguished Service Award

Sr Mary Sweeney, a Sister of St Joseph of Cluny and a native of Dungloe in Co Donegal, named for her role in coordinating a response to the Ebola epidemic in Sierra Leone.


One million over 65s by 2031 SJI highlights

“This level of population ageing will be associated with higher levels of disability and long-term ill-health and now is the time for planning and investment.”


Social Justice Ireland highlights poverty linked to income inequality

SJI warns that 18 percent of adults living in poverty in Ireland are employed - the “working poor”.


Every Life Counts questions UN committee abortion ruling

"It is appalling to see the UN Committee on Human Rights pressing for abortion on disability grounds. Surely very sick babies deserve special protection not abortion" - Tracy Harkin.


SVP welcomes reinstated Carer Support Grant

"One of the things we've called for is a statutory entitlement to home care services," says Catherine Cox from Family Carers Ireland.


‘Voting for those who will govern is a moral act’

Northern bishops outline ten questions for catholic voters to put to candidates standing in the Assembly elections.


Bishops urge MLAs to reject NI abortion amendment

Amendment to the Justice Bill that would permit the direct and intentional killing of unborn children with life limiting conditions, up to the moment of birth.


High Court decision “profoundly disquieting”: bishops

“It’s time for antiquated and discriminatory attitudes towards unborn babies with disabilities to end.”


1.3m people experiencing deprivation in Ireland

230,000 children are at risk of poverty – up 12,000 in a single year warns Social Justice Ireland.


Rally for Life will urge supporters: ‘Abandon Amnesty’

“People are appalled at Amnesty’s stance, especially those who previously supported the organisation” - Niamh Ui Bhriain of the Rally for Life Committee.


Mothers lend support to Private Members Bill

Independent TD Mattie Mc Grath is seeking a discontinuation of the ‘incompatible with life’ label for children diagnosed with a life limiting condition.


Euthanasia and assisted suicide devalue life

“Laws which permit people to give suicide assistance are dangerous" warns disability campaigner and founder of Hope Ireland, Dr Kevin Fitzpatrick.


Hope conference to address euthanasia concerns

Where laws enabling assisted suicide and euthanasia have been introduced, very quickly they are extended to those who are not terminally ill but disabled.


President Higgins pays tribute to family carers

The achievement of Ireland's 187,000 family carers "are born of a spirit of giving to others."


Jim Caviezel talks about his two disabled children

Star of 'The Passion of the Christ' adopted son and daughter from Chinese orphanage.


L’Arche founder Jean Vanier meets Pope Francis

Irish members of L'Arche rejoice to see meeting of two men "with same heart".


Church urged to strip itself of “vanity, arrogance and pride”

Pontiff rails against culture of rejection and throwaway mentality.


Special needs

‘Are yez handicapped or are yez deprived?’ shouted the man who was in charge of letting the children into Funderland. Paul Andrews SJ tells of his experience of working with children of St Declan’s Special National School in Dublin.


Testament of hope

Through dedicated care and tireless fund-raising, Fr Liam Hayes SVD has brought hope and sanctuary to some of Argentina’s abandoned disabled. Sarah MacDonald reports on this “remarkable” achievement.

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