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Every five hours an Irish child is made homeless

In January there were 7,167 people registered as homeless, 2,407 of whom were children.


Homelessness increases

There are 13 empty homes for every homeless adult in our cities.


Focus Ireland expresses concern as homeless figures pass 7,000

There is still much work to be done if we are to end this homeless crisis – Ashley Balbirnie, CEO Focus Ireland.


Edmund Rice schools’ petition to end homelessness

“We want to be, and believe we can be, the first generation that ends homelessness in Ireland,” said Mark Hartery, a 16-year-old secondary student.


Dublin’s Pro Cathedral seeks unwanted Christmas gifts for homeless

During 2016, Crosscare, the social care agency of the Archdiocese of Dublin, provided 127,750 bed nights to over 1,600 people in six residences for people experiencing homelessness in the capital.


Families, homeless and migrants in focus in Christmas messages

‘Healthy’ and ‘holy’ unease thinking of those suffering at Christmas challenges believers to open their hearts to people in need – the homeless and refugees, says Bishop of Kilmore.


Budget 2017: Increase in overseas aid masks overall percentage drop

“Ireland has an international commitment to spend 0.7 percent of national income on helping the world’s poorest people, yet this budget will bring us further from this commitment” – Trócaire.


Pray the rosary during October to protect human life

Irish bishops appeal to Catholics to pray for protection of human life from conception till death and call on government to “prioritise the needs of low income families, and target resources towards social housing and the homeless” in budget 2017.


Housing funding process is too slow to impact homeless crisis

671 families with 1,257 children have become homeless in Dublin in the first eight months of 2016.


Drugs epidemic has potential to cause “utter havoc” – McVerry

In a new one-hour television documentary ‘Peter McVerry: A view from the Basement’, which will air on RTÉ One tonight, the Jesuit priest tells the Government, “We ignore the drug problem at our peril.”


90 families becoming homeless each month

Focus Ireland annual report highlights deepening housing crisis. "The risk of children being forced to sleep rough with their families for want of an emergency bed is now an every night reality."


Latest figures for homeless children ‘an appalling indictment’

Fr Peter McVerry appeals for emergency legislation to prevent the banks and landlords from evicting families, particularly those with children, into homelessness.


Action must follow plans of first 100 days of Government – Barnardos

Promising start during Govt's first 100 days in office must now be followed with concrete action, children’s charity warns.


Government plan to tackle housing crisis welcome

But many of the commitments are "unclear, with no timescale or finances named" says Focus Ireland.


Intolerable: thousands of homes vacant at time of homeless emergency

Peter McVerry Trust calls for compulsory purchase of vacant buildings in private ownership.


Young People are carrying out Christ’s teachings: McVerry

"I think they are living the gospel of Jesus, the gospel message of caring and compassion, even though they may not be coming to church.”


Respond! welcomes new target for social housing supply

A moratorium on house repossessions is long overdue according to Fr Pat Cogan OFM otherwise housing demand will continue to outstrip supply.


Think before demolishing a house, Jesuit appeals

It makes no sense to put a family in the homeless services or inappropriate accommodation when there is a house that could be used while the new house is being developed.


Homeless charities concerned at closure of shelters

Bru Aimsir in Dublin, which has been full every night since it opened in December, catering for 100 people, is to close this week.


Lá le Pádraig is a day of celebration and challenge

We cannot think of Patrick - the captive, the slave in exile, the undocumented, the migrant - without acknowledging the enormous humanitarian challenges facing so many.


NWCI focus should be homeless pregnant women

“It is an outrage that National Women’s Council has no track record in fighting for safe and secure accommodation for homeless expectant mothers”- PLC.


Richard Gere visits Focus Ireland & meets Sr Stan

The actor, who has worked on behalf of the homeless for over 10 years, plays the part of a homeless man in his latest film 'Time Out Of Mind'.


Bishops opposed to weakening right to life of unborn

Hierarchy focus on five key election issues: housing crisis, education, crime, healthcare, right to life and refugee crisis.


Irish society must be ‘people-centered’: Archbishop

If an unborn child has a life-limiting condition, it would be “inhumane to withdraw the protection of the Constitution to their right to life”.


Abortion is not just an issue in Ireland: Bishop

Challenges for next government include the inadequacy of some services in hospitals & disability facilities, reduced pay, child poverty, homelessness & crime levels.


Voters urged to quiz candidates on child poverty

“It is important for every candidate seeking our vote in the coming weeks to understand the appalling extent of child poverty rates in Ireland" - Barnardos.


Cillian Murphy joins fundraiser for Focus Ireland

Irish actor announced as the campaign ambassador for Radio Nova's 2016 ‘Help Our Homeless Radiothon’ in aid of Focus Ireland.


Housing crisis should be key issue of election

“It is important that both politicians and the electorate think about the profoundly damaging impact the housing & homelessness crisis is having on so many."


Bishop pays tribute to those helping flood victims

“Our solidarity with one another, and especially with those in the greatest need, is an expression of who we are as the people of a merciful God.”


SVP calls for minimum standard of living for all

“A strategy is needed to ensure that every household and family in Ireland has an income which is adequate to meet their needs."

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