A number of events are planned to mark Pope Francis' canonisation of the ‘Saint of the Gutters’ on 4 September.
From the earliest days of the church, women rightly served in key leadership roles: Chicago Archbishop Blase Cupich.
“More than in the Vatican Gardens, with their beauty, your goodness is the place where I dwell: I feel protected” Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI tells Pope Francis.
A spokesperson for the Pope said the Armenian phrase Medz Yeghern, which translates as the “great evil” or the “great catastrophe”, was preferred to genocide.
ACP founder responds to Archbishop's criticism over the lack of catholic intellectuals by warning "there’s little if any acceptance in the leadership of our Church for the free flow of ideas".
Pope Francis expresses horror and condemnation at act of senseless hatred and the dreadfully high number of innocent victims.
The new Apostolic Letter ‘Come una madre amorevole’ (As a Loving Mother) is an attempt to make bishops accountable for their handling or mishandling of abusive priests.
“Rather than act to resolve humanitarian crises, the political system often exacerbates them" Catholic agency warns ahead of World Humanitarian Summit.
There are people who “do not grow accustomed to evil. Who defeat it with good” - Ambassador said of Irish priest who saved 6,500 Jews and Allied POWs.
“When they asked if I wanted to be the first contemporary artist to play in the Sistine Chapel, I didn't know what to say because usually there's this other guy who sings.”
“Research, whether in academe or industry, requires unwavering attention to moral issues if it is to be an instrument which safeguards human life and the dignity of the person.”
Bishops, priests and nuns urge Pope Francis to change unfair methods, such as anonymous denunciations, for investigating unorthodox views.
This is the first time Shakespeare has been performed in the Vatican, and the performance recognises the significance Shakespeare has for world culture.
Lizzy Myers from Ohio, along with her family, are due to meet the Pontiff next week at Casa Santa Marta.
The Apostolic Exhortation 'Amoris Laetitia' meaning ‘The Joy of Love’ will be unveiled by Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri and Cardinal Christoph Schönborn.
“I really appreciate the new approach to mission for children, the new path that CEME has taken." - Dr Baptistine Ramaboursin, Secretary General European Missionary Children.
A change in the rules made at the request of the Pope means women may now officially be among those whose feet are washed.
Italian newspaper reports Cardinal Kasper as stating that in a “few days” a document of about “two hundred pages will be released”.
Epic story of the Resurrection told through the eyes of an unbelieving Roman solider, Calvius, played by British star, Joseph Fiennes.
Pontiff gives Hollywood heart throb, who is dedicated to environmental causes, a copy of 'Laudato Si', his encyclical on the environment.
Showers, haircuts and shaves were also available as well as a team of doctors, nurses and medical students offering check-ups and health advice.
“Ground Control to Major Tom/Commencing countdown, engines on/ Check ignition/and may God's love be with you.”
The focus of the first prayer intention of the New Year is inter-religious dialogue and is “further incontrovertible evidence that Pope Francis is a man of dialogue”.
Appointment as assistant secretary to the Pontifical Council for Culture is a sign of Pope Francis' personal appreciation of his work: Archbishop Martin.
Trial of two journalists for publishing expose books using leaked information poses a threat to freedom of the press.
Many of the claims made in two new books are based on information dating from before Vatican economic reforms made: Fr Federico Lombardi.
The arrests come days before the publication of two books by Italian journalists on Vatican finances based on confidential information.
Prelate was “stoned with the hardest stone that exists in the world: the tongue" resulting in his cause for sainthood being held up for years.
"To know that the Holy Father is with us even when the Government does not appear to be with us, that is why we are so religious.”
The website which had shown retouched photos of a purported meeting between Japanese doctor and Pope Francis has removed the images.