During COVID-19 restrictions it is very timely to talk about vocations in a time of great silence and solitude, and when people have more time to reflect on their lives and where their lives are going – Fr Willie Purcell
Two men are beginning their studies for the priesthood this autumn and a third is embarking on the permanent diaconate.
“They are an invaluable powerhouse of prayer for the wider diocese and indeed much further afield.”
“This is an essential part of the mission of the priest; to break for the people the bread of God’s Word as well as the bread of the Eucharist.”
"I am very keen to encourage and nurture vocations to the priesthood from among our own young people, many of whom have strong faith and great gifts to offer our Church. How might this be done?” asks Archbishop Eamon Martin.
Former Man Utd and Northern Ireland footballer, Fr Philip Mulryne, to join the chaplaincy team at Newbridge College.
“From the poverty-stricken and colonial context of 18th century Ireland, Nano Nagle lit a flame for freedom through education, leaving us a legacy that continues to grow and expand into the complex world of the 21st century.”
“People from abroad are often astonished at the level of antipathy to the Church displayed in our country.”
Bishop Buckley says it is a great privilege to serve the people, especially in times of difficulty.
Forty-one-year-old Rev Warren Collier spent 16 years working as a driver for Bus Éireann before studying for the priesthood at the Beda College in Rome.
In 1965, 441 priests were ordained in Ireland, but these days it is usually 12/13 annually, Bishop Denis Brennan highlighted at a recent conference for vocations directors.
One of the ways the bishops are dealing with the vocations crisis is by “borrowing back" from Churches where Irish priests and sisters served.
Lahore seminary rector sees increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life as “a sign of God's blessing” who is “always close to his people.”
“Sr Clare spent nearly 15 years of her life in consecration to the Lord. She was a generous sister with a special gift for reaching out to children and young people.”
Sr Catherine Holum, who represented the US in the Winter Olympics of 1998, gave a talk at a Mass in Tuam to mark the closure of the Year for Consecrated Life.
Youth 2000 and Medjugorje played a part in vocation stories of Rev Brendan McCarrick sac and Rev Jaimie Twohig sac.
Grant totals €268,000 over three years and is intended is help Vocations Ireland support and nurture vocations to the consecrated religious life in Ireland today.
Archbishop Martin tells Synod press conference Church must accompany vocation of marriage just as it accompanies vocation to priesthood.
“We in Ireland are not at all used to the humility demanded by the fact that we might have something to receive," IMU president Sr Kathleen McGarvey OLA.
“It was an amazing experience and I met so many remarkable Irish missionaries doing incredible work" - former RTE journalist Charlie Bird.
It was a year of listening, observing and seeing where the real needs are & work has started on helping vocations directors up-skill: Vocations Ireland.
Though their numbers are smaller today, Irish religious still make “an immense contribution” to Ireland and the world by living their particular apostolates and charisms.
Martina Purdy and former family lawyer Elaine Kelly embark on the next stage of their journey into religious life, as Adoration Sisters welcome new postulant.
Bishop of Limerick sees vocations challenge being transformed into opportunity, but urges people who feel inklings of call, to "be generous". "We need you."
Fr Shane (27) is the newest priest in Waterford & Lismore and one of fifteen ordinations to the Irish Church this summer in what has been a bumper year for vocations.
Franciscan Order lost contact with Fr Dhiya Aziz, parish priest at Yacoubieh, during the afternoon of 4 July and they believe he was taken by militants.
Bishop Kevin Dowling of Rustenburg in South Africa tells CORI AGM that to restate and reaffirm traditional ideals for marriage is the easy part.
Former East End gangster John Pridmore and the new Bishop of Waterford & Lismore will speak at the Little Sisters of the Poor's special vocations day later this month.
Archbishop Martin said he was convinced that there are many young women in today’s Ireland who would be attracted to new forms of association with religious life.
From a low point of 7 in 2004, the numbers have steadily increased to a high point of 45 in 2014.