Bishop Michael Router launched ‘Week of Witness’ in St Patrick's Cathedral Armagh on Sunday and invited Christians to stand in solidarity with the "heroic example of our persecuted brothers and sisters in faith across the world".
More than 245 million Christians live in a place where they experience high levels of persecution – IDOP.
Primate recalls “outstanding” example martyred Saint gave as the 350th anniversary of the appointment of Oliver Plunkett as Archbishop of Armagh is marked.
“History shows that when racism and religious intolerance are not addressed they contain within themselves a frightening power for fostering hatred and social destruction.”
Fr Ciprian Matei, from the Archdiocese of Bucharest, Romania, is to become Curate (CC) in Portlaoise parish.
“Seek to be remembered because you saved lives – even one life – by your empathy, your words, your actions," Archbishop Eamon Martin said at the Trinity Monday Service of Thanksgiving and Commemoration at TCD chapel.
“Further militarisation has been called for in a country where the density of soldiers to civilians is one of the highest in the world” – Sri Lankan academic Dr Jude Lal Fernando of the Irish School of Ecumenics.
"Men and women of violence betray the deep desire of humanity the world over for a future of peace."
Archbishop Eamon Martin will hold a special Mass of Remembrance at St Patrick's Cathedral in Armagh, on Sunday.
Tánaiste expresses shock at the “appalling attacks on innocent civilians in Sri Lanka” as death toll rises to 290 dead with over 500 injured.
“I entrust to the Lord all those who have tragically perished, and I pray for the injured and all those who suffer as a result of this tragic event.”
The Church faces many risks and her task is made more difficult by the fact of her being a minority.
Killing in the name of God “is an aberration” Pontiff warns but adds that responsible people should recognise the boundaries of civility.
St Vaz Pope Francis said, “shows us the importance of transcending religious divisions in the service of peace."
Pontiff calls on Sri Lankans “to accept one another, to respect legitimate diversities, and learn to live as one family.”
The first stop on his two-nation journey is Sri Lanka where it is hoped the Pope’s visit will help spur reconciliation efforts after the country's 30-year civil war.
Pontiff and Vatican Secretary of State call for an adequate response to Christians' suffering by the international community to prevent new genocides.
Pontiff told reporters in May he wished to visit the Philippines as a gesture of solidarity with the victims of Typhoon Yolanda.
Declaration of 124 Korean martyrs may pave way for visit there too.