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Ireland is far from exempt from racism warns Bishop Leahy

Church of Ireland parish of Kilternan urges people to ‘take the knee’ and pray for racial justice on Wednesday evening.


Anti-Irish discrimination in US greatest against Catholics. Famine-era census study reveals

"Children born in Ireland, even those who spent nearly their entire life in the US, fared worse that those born in the US, potentially reflecting exposure to famine condition," say Vanderbilt University researchers.


Bishop Leahy speaks out against racism and intolerance

Some of those who come to Ireland have escaped from very dangerous situations, including religious persecution. On top of the trauma of losing their homes, jobs and often their families, they now face the challenge of being strangers in Ireland – Bishop Leahy.


New UN Day of remembrance for victims of sectarianism must lead to concrete action, says ACN

International reports on religious freedom confirm time and again that Christians are the most persecuted group, says ACN.


Church leaders call for resolution to political deadlock at Stormont

“For the sake of the most vulnerable in our society, for the sake of the victims of our past, for the sake of children in our schools and for the sake of people who need improved health and social care services, now is the time to find a resolution to the political impasse.”


Christians targeted in deadly Burkina Faso attack

The west African nation has a history of religious tolerance, but there has been a spate of anti-Christian attacks this year.


Mass of Remembrance offered for victims and survivors of Sri Lankan bombings

"Men and women of violence betray the deep desire of humanity the world over for a future of peace."


Prayers for victims of New Zealand mosque massacre

“May the merciful God gather to himself all who have died while at their Friday prayers and console those who have been hurt. I ask that they be remembered in our churches this weekend.”


UK’s enquiry into worldwide persecution of Christians welcomed by Catholic primate

Being a Christian always involves giving a critique of power, says Cardinal Vincent Nichols.


British Foreign Secretary makes ending persecution of Christians a priority

With Christianity on the verge of extinction in its birthplace, it is time for concerted action that begins to turn the tide, says British Foreign Secretary, Jeremy Hunt.


Priest spat on and assaulted by Orangemen in Glasgow

“No march that ends with such scenes should be allowed on that route in future.” – Mike Russell, Scottish National Party


Methodist Minister proposes day to remember victims of Troubles in Northern Ireland

“Together across our community we might come together, each of us and all of us, from all sectors including the churches and acknowledge our part in the hurt, the grief and the pain of the past 48 plus years.”


Religious freedom under threat, says ACN report

In many places in the Middle East multi-religious communities were the norm, but increasingly they are becoming mono-religious environments.


Primate cites NI peace process as an example of hope in Bethlehem

"We intensify our plea for mutual understanding and a just and lasting peace for this land which has known too much conflict, too much pain and division," Archbishop Eamon Martin tells Bethlehem's mayor.


NICCOSA raises child poverty with SDLP leader

Party urged to make addressing child poverty and the widening gap between rich and poor the first priority of the programme of Government in the next Assembly.


Redemptorist’s role in NI peace process recalled

Across our community, our churches and our conflict Fr Gerry Reynolds CSsR forged new relationships so that old differences could be resolved.

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