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Deputy Carol Nolan challenges Minister Harris on home abortions during pandemic

In addition to the lives of unborn babies that will be lost as a result of the home abortions that take place, Deputy Nolan raised the potential for devastating health outcomes that remote consultation generates for women self-administering abortion drugs – Pro Life Campaign.


Message from bishops in Northern Ireland ahead of Westminster General Election

"Voters have a duty to inform themselves on the position of election candidates in respect of their willingness to support and cherish equally the lives of mothers and their unborn children" – bishops in Northern Ireland.


Bringing faith to politics is not an optional extra, Archbishop Martin tells summer school

“These values are defended by the Church precisely because they are human even before they are Christian; they are rooted in the natural law and accessible to reason.”


ACP leader hits out at the “demonisation of Catholicism” by Leo Varadkar

“Priests in Ireland have more than most borne the heat of the day.”


Bishops of Europe pledge to maintain fraternity in face of Brexit crisis

“Brexit should never succeed in breaking the fraternity uniting us with our British brothers.”


Frances Black on tour to win backing for Israeli settlement trade ban

“We see this as a human rights issue. Trócaire have been calling for a ban on Irish trade in Israeli settlement goods since 2012 and we are delighted that Senator Black has put forward this bill.”


Catholic charities support women’s empowerment

Trócaire and Christian aid support women parliamentarians from Myanmar, Pakistan and Sierre Leone attending recent International Congress of Women’s Caucuses in Dublin.


Former Green Party leader warns of homelessness, climate change

Former Government Minister and Green Party leader ordained to the priesthood at Christ Church Cathedral in Waterford.


Pope prays for the success of US-North Korea summit

"Let us together invoke Our Lady, Queen of Korea. May she guide these talks." - Pope Francis


Archbishop of Armagh gives keynote speech at inaugural Iona Institute Northern Ireland conference

Our faith has a lot to say about the nihilism and despair of a throwaway culture that has driven young people to self-destruction. Our Church’s teachings would seriously question such a limited view of individual rights that would dispute the equality of life of a mother and her unborn baby.


Brexit is ‘reality call to those in power’ says Nuala O’Loan

"The vote said 'You have been doing it wrong for so many years and now change your ways'. Somehow in our priorities as politicians we have failed the people," says UK peer.


Focolare gathering to focus on mercy in politics & climate justice

In the current climate of mistrust, Focolare's message of dialogue and unity has a vital role to play in forging "bonds of understanding" between people says Focolare Co-director.


Rubicon explores 100 years of Irish faith & culture

The conference brings together leaders from the media, education, politics, the arts, business, social sector and the Churches to learn from one another.


‘There is no such thing as a life without value’

"For as long as they live, children with life-limiting conditions are entitled to be loved and cared for like any other child” - Bishop Kevin Doran.


Bishops opposed to weakening right to life of unborn

Hierarchy focus on five key election issues: housing crisis, education, crime, healthcare, right to life and refugee crisis.


NI First Minister nominated for peace award

Praise for Peter Robinson's role in overseeing the devolution of policing and justice powers from Westminster to Stormont in 2010.


Church leaders welcome NI political accommodation

Implementation Plan entitled ‘A Fresh Start’, involving political parties in Northern Ireland and the governments of the UK and Ireland, welcomed.


Bishop Leahy makes preparations for Synod 2016

‘Limerick: What is our Mission?’ will bring together people from the world of business, the arts, sport, politics, the heads of third level colleges and city councillors.


Pope urges closer cooperation on climate change

“Science & technology have placed in our hands unprecedented power: it is our duty towards humanity, the poor and future generations, to use it for the common good.”


Former BBC journalist turned nun receives the veil

Martina Purdy and former family lawyer Elaine Kelly embark on the next stage of their journey into religious life, as Adoration Sisters welcome new postulant.


Archbishop made no call for conscience clause

Transcript shows Diarmuid Martin commented on freedom of conscience without making any specific proposal in relation to marriage referendum.


‘Ireland needs renewed sense of national purpose’

Archbishop of Dublin warns that healthy politics cannot be built on a culture of spin or a policy of just being against something.


Archbishop detects mood of uncertainty at Davos

Crisis of leadership and income inequalities are among key issues under discussion at this year’s gathering of the world’s political and business elite.


No regrets at all, say politicians expelled from Fine Gael over abortion

Politicians experience respect from public for sticking to their principles

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