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Cardinal George Pell’s prison journal to be published

Cardinal Pell said that prison was “difficult and unpleasant”, but not the worst possible form of suffering. It reinforced the truth of the Christian view of redemptive suffering.


Asia Bibi “held hand of Christ” in prison

During my detention, I held the hand of Christ. It is thanks to him that I have stayed standing, says Asia Bibi.


International group of bishops reports back after trip to Holy Land

“We were welcomed by families whose focus is now day-to-day survival and whose aspirations have been reduced to bare essentials such as electricity and clean water.”


Catholic Truth Society publishes a prisoners’ edition of its best-selling prayer book

“When someone asks the question ‘How do I pray?’ there is neither a quick nor a simple answer.”


A thousand prisoners celebrate Mass in St Peter’s

“Every time I go into a prison I ask myself, ‘Why them and not me?’”


Jesuit Centre critical of prison service’s unmet commitments

What is of particular concern is the rising number of committals of women to prison - the figure has doubled in the past five years.


Nun’s first novel focuses on life of Nano Nagle

86-year-old Presentation Sister pens first novel retelling the story of the remarkable Irishwoman whose legacy is still making itself felt in 23 countries around the world.


Govt urged to end ‘severe confinement’ for young adults

"Shocking to learn that people in prison spend so much time locked in their cell" - Joanne O’Riordan at the launch of 'Developing Inside: Transforming Prison for Young Adults'.


New friend campaign launched by SVP in the North

“Times are difficult for a lot of people out there and in this recessionary period our services are needed more than ever."


Pope appeals to laity for more active engagement

Pontiff to celebrate outdoor Mass for over a million pilgrims at World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia.


No real reduction in chronic prison overcrowding

“It is unfortunate that the new prison in Cork will institutionalise cell-sharing as a feature of prison accommodation" as it is at variance with international best practice.


Priest to be buried in Meath after funeral in UK

Ordained as a Holy Ghost Father, Joe Brennan served in parishes across the diocese of Middlesbrough as well as ministering in hospitals and prisons.


Award for priest who serves death row inmates

Fr Pat Murphy, a member St Patrick's Missionary Society in Kilteegan, is to be honoured for his ministry with inmates at Kirikiri maximum security prison in Lagos.


ICPO launches new awareness campaign

Irish prisoners overseas are one of the most marginalised groups of Irish emigrants: Bishop


Chinese pastor faces jail over demolition protest

Ongoing crackdown targets China's rapidly growing Christian community and its churches.


Pope Francis denounces Italian mafia

Speaking in Calabria, Pontiff rebukes mafia for its “contempt for the common good."


Faith can never be imposed Archbishop warns

Reaching out to those outside the Church is not about “a checklist of morality.”


Concern for imprisoned Christian lawyer in China

Gao Zhisheng twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for defending China's persecuted.


1,054 Irish prisoners overseas seek ICPO help

The number of those who need charity's help may be much higher.


Irish-American bishop visits accused Irish woman in Peru

Archbishop's parents are from Cavan and Sligo.

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