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Pope at Angelus: Jesus loves us “without make-up”

“Let us go to Jesus, knock on Jesus’ heart, and say to Him, ‘Lord, if You will it, You can heal me.’” – Pope Francis.


Bishops note “staggering” lack of public empathy for 6,666 pre-born babies terminated in Ireland in 2019

We take this opportunity to invite all those affected by abortion - women and men - to avail of spiritual, sacramental and pastoral support, and we assure them that they will be welcomed without judgement and helped to find healing and peace – Council for Life.


Acknowledgement of Knock healing

“I recognise that Marion was healed from her long-standing illness while on pilgrimage in this sacred place” – Bishop Francis Duffy.


Jesus fulfils the norms but he also does things that shock, says Archbishop Diarmuid Martin

We invoke the healing power of Jesus on the sick among us, remembering in our prayers all those who suffer sickness or anguish or addiction or pain or isolation and loneliness.


Fatima statue visit is an opportunity to pray for peace and healing

“We are reminded of the value of peace by the passing of Martin McGuinness, who threw away weapons of war for an embrace of peace and how we have all prospered as a result.”


Rathdowney set for Festival of Faith

John McAreavey and Joanne O’Riordan to share their stories and talk about how faith has played a part in their lives and helped them overcome adversity.


John McAreavey to speak on forgiveness in Knock

Former footballer to give personal testimony about his faith journey following the tragic death of his wife, Michaela.


‘We must engage with our past and our future’

Bishops refer to 1916 centenary commemorations and the coming general election in Christmas messages.


New priest ordained for the diocese of Derry

"Sow generously in season and out of season. Leave worries about the growth to the Lord," Bishop Donal McKeown tells newly ordained Fr Seán O'Donnell.


Bishop Daly says 3,000 jobs would lift Derry

Unemployment is still one of Derry’s “big problems” along with the legacy of the conflict.


CofI bishop views artwork of Bogside residents

Bishop Ken Good viewed ‘The People’s Gallery’ during a one-day event called ‘Art, Faith and Peace – The Bogside Artists: the Story Behind the Murals’.


Knock miracle cure let’s people know ‘God is there’

Marion Carroll was cured of her multiple sclerosis by the 'living Christ in the Eucharist'.


Archbishops honour Jesuit on path to sainthood

“Many people believe his prayers have brought the healing power of God into their lives and his tomb is visited daily by those who seek his help.”


Process of healing needs to include truth: Pope

Pontiff calls on Sri Lankans “to accept one another, to respect legitimate diversities, and learn to live as one family.”


Pope Francis marries 20 couples in St Peter’s

Couples are reminded that marriage is “a demanding journey, at times difficult, and at times turbulent”.


Church must seek out all victims of abuse

No room for exclusivity within the Church Archbishop Martin warns in Australian address.


Church must place survivors at its centre

"A Church which talks about a preferential option for the poor must show unflinchingly a preferential option for those who have been victims of abuse" - Archbishop Martin.


Bishop Leahy thanks abuse victims who hung on to faith

Morale among Irish priests “very challenged” by abuse scandals.


My Peace I Give You – Dawn Eden

Dawn Eden explains how the lives of the Saints have given her hope and aided her journey of spiritual healing after childhood sexual abuse.


When home-based care is best

Sister Carla Simmons writes about bringing home care to families living with AIDS in Uganda. She is a sister-doctor of the Medical Missionaries of Mary. This article first appeared in Healing and Development, a publication of the Medical Missionaries of Mary.


Living with chronic illness

Barbara J Joseph OSF gives practical advice about how to come to terms with chronic illness and discover the grace that goes with the condition.


The priest who helps others grow

Marilyn Rodrigues recounts the story of Grow, a community mental health movement co-founded by Fr Con Keogh after he himself suffered from mental illness.


Finding light after darkness

John Scally interviews Moya Brennan, formerly singer with Clannad, about turning to God after hitting rock-bottom.


The spiritual dimension of mental illness

Sean O’Conaill argues that we’re wrong to suppose that psychic buoyancy and emotional autonomy are the norm in mental health. We are relational, not autonomous, beings; and it is in the context of relationships, friendship, and love that emotional health is best considered.


Living with mental illness

Mental illness, like Alzheimer’s disease, depression and schizophrenia, is a challenge to the person who suffers it and to those close to and/or caring for them. Jeanette Brimner gives good advice on understanding mental illness.


A happy homecoming

Patricia writes: I don’t feel comfortable going to the sacrament of penance, so I receive Holy Communion, even if I am in a state of mortal sin. I am a weak person, and I try to draw strength from the Body of Christ within me. Surely God wouldn’t mind me [...]


The useful act of living

Debates about euthanasia and the right of people to end their own life are quite frequent today. Gail Northgrave writes about how Billy Graham is coping with Parkinson’s disease and how he still lives a purposeful life.


Continuous renewal

“In the sacrament of reconciliation we have a special instance of the Lord’s gracious invitation to approach him with confidence in our difficulties.” Fr Bernard McGuckian answers some of the queries of an inquirer.


Free to forgive

“An eye for an eye leaves the whole country blind,” said Gandhi. People who despite tragedy and atrocity have found in themselves the freedom to reconcile or forgive is the focus of an exhibition discussed here by Michael Fogarty.


So you can’t forgive?

In this article, Brian Lennon SJ tells us that forgiving is a journey. It is wrong to say that Christian forgiving is only about loving our enemies. It is about more than that. It is also about challenging wrongdoers, and about separation from evil.

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