Pope Francis emphasises that he is offering his “own response” evoked by last year’s Synod on the Amazon.
Pope Francis's response to the Synod's call for the ordination of married men and for women deacons eagerly awaited.
“The Church must consider whether to suspend masses and religious services,” said Italian consumer protection activist Carlo Rienzi.
‘I encourage the faithful to pray for the success of this synod, the purpose of which is to serve the good of humanity,’ said Bishop Alan McGuckian, Chair of the Irish Bishops’ Council for Justice and Peace.
The Synod is expected to generate carbon emissions of 572,809kg. In compensation, forestry licenses for the reforestation of 50 hectares in the Amazon basin will be purchased.
“Bolsonaro fought an election campaign on the basis of promises to open up the ‘unproductive’ Amazon region for companies.”
The killing has been described as the “fruit of hate campaigns perpetrated against Indigenous peoples”.
“The election of a person with extremist opinions on a range of issues – from women to minorities to the environment – will further destabilise Latin America, as what happens in Brazil affects the entire region.”
Amazon's indigenous people are “often forgotten and without the prospect of a serene future because of the crisis of the Amazonian rain forest, a ‘lung’ of primary importance for our planet.”
“The Rio Olympic Games are a huge missed opportunity to improve the lives of the poorest in Rio. They are also a missed opportunity to invest in the protection of human rights across the country.”
“We wanted to demonstrate an authentic witness to the commitment to 'integral ecology' advocated by Pope Francis."
Sr Stella Matutina's campaigning on behalf of the rights of the native peoples of Mindanao recognised by City of Weimar human rights award.
"Laudato Si is an astonishing document - there is no longer any excuse for people not knowing about this issue”: author and environmental activist Bill McKibben.