The award was made to Sr Hilary, a member of the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Rosary, for her contribution to health services in Sierra Leone over 42 years.
“People at WHO were aware that there was an Ebola outbreak that was getting out of control by spring…and yet, it took until August to declare a public health emergency.”
24-year-old Director of the Liberia Mission of the Franciscan Works charity arrived in West African country in February 2013.
“In Nigeria, everybody knows Ireland. This is, in no small way, due to the sacrifice and dedication of our missionaries.”
Fr Pat Murphy, a member St Patrick's Missionary Society in Kilteegan, is to be honoured for his ministry with inmates at Kirikiri maximum security prison in Lagos.
"We have left our families who we won’t see again until after Christmas. Some of us have made a will for the first time..." writes young Irish doctor.
The illness is having a huge impact on Sierra Leonian culture - SLIP.
Missionary 'grounded' in Ireland while Ebola rages in West Africa fundraises to help those she ministers to.
City of Liberia put under quarantine resulting in 75,000 people being sealed into a densely-packed slum.