Charities welcome budget's benefits and focus on job creation.
"Looking after children is how you define a society’" - yet in Ireland today, one in ten children lives in consistent poverty.
SVP "particularly concerned at the lack of information underpinning Government direction on costs".
Dialogue with social, economic, education, culture, spiritual groupings sought on a shared vision for Irish society.
Pay-as-you-go or pre-payment customers should not be disadvantaged by using these meters SVP warns.
Levy is clearly out of proportion to low income customers' ability to pay and can be viewed as a regressive tax: SVP.
Families with children, headed by a single parent, have been hardest hit by recessionary measures.
Put people, not economies first, say Amnesty, SVP and Social Justice Ireland.
Support for energy, food, laundry costs, replacement of furniture and household costs.
Charity continues to pick up the pieces of peoples’ lives following austerity and cuts.
Programme highlights impact of Croí na Gaillimhe centre on more than 400 people.
“We not only want to ensure that no child is left disappointed, but that no family is left struggling because of the cost of Christmas.”
Up to now parents have had very little say in school uniform policy SVP warn.
Ryder Cup captain pays tribute to SVP volunteers.
Latest Barnardos survey reveals anger that not enough is being done to address costs.
An Post's One4all gift vouchers offered in lieu of cash.
Benefit cuts could result in lower educational completion rates for children from lower income families
"Sneaky" changes to entitlements and delays in processing claims are adding to the burden of struggling families.