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“Pandemic shows us how dependent we are on the earth for our survival”

Bishop Larry Duffy of Clogher issues Pastoral Letter for the Season of Creation.


Pope Francis announces Laudato Si’ Week

“What kind of world do we want to leave to those who will come after us, to children who are growing up?" the Pontiff asks in a video message.


Trócaire planning more Laudato Si’ workshops as first event sells out

“The idea is that we equip parishes to bring Laudato Si' to life in local parish communities,” says Jane Mellett of Trócaire.


Seeking refuge is the central theme of Christmas, says President Michael D. Higgins

“I wish each and every one of you a peaceful and happy Christmas and a new year of hope and possibility,” says President Michael D. Higgins.


Biodiversity celebrated at the Phoenix Park

"Simple actions like mowing your grass less often, retaining soft landscaping over hard paved surfaces, and letting the odd flowering weed spring up in your garden here and there can have can be hugely beneficial to pollinators."


Call to believers on World Bee Day

“Ground around centres of worship, presbyteries, convents and graveyards can play a crucial role if they are managed as safe places where our wild bees and other insects can find food and shelter.”


The yam helps food security in Nigeria

Sr Nora McNamara and Professor Stephen Morse have produced a book “about advocacy and food security and minding our planet. We are telling that story through the yam, which was an endangered crop”.


Tradition and biodiversity for WMOF garden

Artists and craftspeople have created a holy well and sculptures for the garden at Saint Damian's Monastery in Dublin.


Missionary congregations discuss future challenges

As part of its centenary celebrations, the Missionary Society of St Columban held an international colloquium in Dalgan Park last week aimed at mapping out the future direction of mission in the Church.


Laudato Si captures cry of the poor and cry of the earth: Robinson

Former president presented copy of 'Laudato Si: An Irish Response' to Pope Francis during meeting between the Pontiff and the Elders in the Vatican on Monday


Diocese of Kerry celebrates ‘Earth Week’

Eco theologian Fr Sean McDonagh SSC will give a lecture in Tralee and launch his new book ‘On Care for Our Common Home’.


New film to raise awareness of Sr Dorothy Stang

“We wanted to demonstrate an authentic witness to the commitment to 'integral ecology' advocated by Pope Francis."


One million pilgrims greet Pope at Quito Mass

Ecuador – together with other countries bordering the Amazon – has an opportunity to become a teacher of integral ecology.


Theologian calls for synod to discuss new encyclical

Three years would give people an opportunity to address Laudato Si’s recommendations in the local church in the first year, nationally in the second year and globally in the third year.

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