It is strange that in a culture that values individual rights, the most fundamental personal right of all – the right to life – is increasingly being questioned and denied.
Abortion will be a major issue in March election.
Third complaint against The Ray D’Arcy Show upheld.
"Any government which seeks to legalise the taking of innocent human life betrays its sacred trust and is guilty of a crime against humanity.”
When your child may not live long, time is all-important. Hospice care gives you time: Every Life Counts.
As Wallace Bill is voted down, One Day More criticise Alliance Ministers John Halligan and Shane Ross for having spent the week talking about their children but never bothering to meet them.
Whip will not be applied to non Fine Gael deputies in upcoming vote on amendment to the Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill, allowing abortion in the case of so-called 'fatal foetal abnormalities'.
One Day More says politicians pushing to extend abortion law do not represent them. "Many of our members say that they received little or no support when they were given their diagnosis."
“Looking back on it now, such an idea doesn’t take into account the mercy of God who created these children in his own image.”
EveryLifeCounts responds to President's wife saying it is sad to see her “push abortion for babies like ours because of their severe disability”.
"For as long as they live, children with life-limiting conditions are entitled to be loved and cared for like any other child” - Bishop Kevin Doran.
Pro-life group appeals to the public to lobby MLAs as motions due to be debated on 9 February in the Assembly on abortion for life limiting conditions and rape.
“I think one needs to be extremely careful when you go down a track of saying human life is anything other than a gift.”
One Day More urges doctors to acknowledge the enormous benefits of continuing with pregnancies in the case of life-limiting conditions.
Ministerfor Children, Dr James Reilly, to give a presentation to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child in Geneva today.
Support group calls on the Government to make proper provision for perinatal hospice care nationally.
“Minister Simon Harris’ comments show Government’s blinkered approach to abortion.”.
Families of babies with life-limiting conditions are discovering too late about the existence of perinatal palliative care as an alternative to abortion: PLC
Amnesty International’s close links to the pro choice Women on Web organisation raises "very serious questions about Amnesty’s professional judgement".
Independent TD Mattie Mc Grath is seeking a discontinuation of the ‘incompatible with life’ label for children diagnosed with a life limiting condition.
“We are delighted with the support of the IMO membership for standardised peri-natal palliative care protocols" - Jennifer Kehoe, spokesperson for One Day More.