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Asia Bibi: “Please help kidnapped girls”

Asia Bibi, the first woman to be sentenced to death for blasphemy in Pakistan, has called on the Prime Minister to help Christian girls in her country who are abducted, raped and forced to marry their captors.


Vatican issues manual for dealing with cases of sexual abuse of minors

“Only a profound knowledge of the law and its aims can render due service to truth and justice” – Vademecum on sexual abuse of minors.


Christian family of abducted girl (14) takes case to High Court

I am trying my very best for the case. Maira’s mother is so very sad – in fact she is a picture of sadness. You cannot imagine the shock of losing your daughter and losing all contact with her – lawyer Khalil Tahir Sandhu.


Catholic Church issues guidelines on new organ donation law in England

“These guidelines hope to provide you with some information to help you make a well-informed decision about donating your organs after death,” said Bishop Paul Mason.


Deputy Carol Nolan challenges Minister Harris on home abortions during pandemic

In addition to the lives of unborn babies that will be lost as a result of the home abortions that take place, Deputy Nolan raised the potential for devastating health outcomes that remote consultation generates for women self-administering abortion drugs – Pro Life Campaign.


Gibraltar to vote on abortion this month

We are confident that on 19 March, when considering what kind of future they want for Gibraltar, voters will consider the unborn baby and mothers and vote NO – James Brenig, spokesperson for the Gibraltar Pro-Life Movement.


Court rules men can marry minors in Pakistan

These laws are formulated and approved only to improve the image of the country in front of the international community, ask for development funds, and freely trade Pakistani products on the European market – lawyer, Tabassum Yousaf.


Catholic adoption agency Cúnamh closes after 106 years

Cúnamh has facilitated 5,700 adoptions and 1,700 reunions between adopted persons and their birth relatives.


Pro Life Campaign claims that babies with disabilities are routinely in danger

“Dramatic decrease in the number of babies born with Down Syndrome in England will be replicated here” – Pro Life Campaign.


Message from bishops in Northern Ireland ahead of Westminster General Election

"Voters have a duty to inform themselves on the position of election candidates in respect of their willingness to support and cherish equally the lives of mothers and their unborn children" – bishops in Northern Ireland.


Bill aims to stop children accessing pornography

Bill comes at a time when pornography is widely available in Ireland and over half of teenage boys in Ireland see pornography before the age of 13.


Ireland discusses adult incest and age of consent

“If this was proposed even a few years ago, there would almost certainly have been a public outcry of some sort” – David Quinn, Iona Institute


Caution needed over anti-abortion protests, Archbishop warns

“I would be particularly cautious about protesting against GPs because everybody is going there, and people go there for all sorts of reasons.”


Anniversary of 1967 Abortion Act marked by silent vigil

In Great Britain, one in five pregnancies is aborted and 200,000 abortions take place there every year


“We need unequivocally to reject a culture of violence”

Address criminal drug gangs, moneylenders, violence in the home, against children, sexual violence and violence against people because of their sexuality, as well as hate-talk about immigrants, exhorts Archbishop Diarmuid Martin.


No right to gay marriage under European Convention

European Convention on Human Rights does not include the right to marriage for homosexual couples, neither under Article 8 nor Article 12, the right to marry and to found a family.


Ecumenical Bible Week: reading & praying together

It began in 2014 as an effort to tap into the ecumenical collaboration of IEC2012. The different traditions would read, pray and celebrate the Bible together over one week.


UN committee criticises abortion laws in NI

“The committee is concerned about the highly restricted circumstances in which termination of pregnancy is permitted under the law in Northern Ireland."


Euthanasia and assisted suicide devalue life

“Laws which permit people to give suicide assistance are dangerous" warns disability campaigner and founder of Hope Ireland, Dr Kevin Fitzpatrick.


‘Ecumenism is key to Ecumenical Bible Week’

"Many reflective Catholics are taking up the scriptures because there they find that nourishment that keeps them in a faithful relationship with Jesus and the Holy Spirit."

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