This time last year the EU said they would resettle 160,000 Syrians and to date have only resettled 4,000. "It all comes down to a lack of political will to tackle the issue," says Trócaire.
Private journal of spirituality of former UN Secretary General shows how he was grappling with how spirituality can become a guiding force in the lives we lead.
Praise for Peter Robinson's role in overseeing the devolution of policing and justice powers from Westminster to Stormont in 2010.
“Ireland has always been one of the strongest supporters of the United Nations and some 90 Irish soldiers have lost their lives in the quest for worldwide peace.”
“We are honouring Mr Ban for his leadership in mobilising the international community to address climate change, forge a new development agenda.”
UN Secretary General, Ban ki-Moon, will meet Pope Francis in the Vatican later this month to issues including climate change.
Donations received by Aid to the Church in Need are being distributed directly to parishes in Iraq and Syria.
Directive urges UN officials to lobby to permit abortion as a form of reparation for sexual violence against women.
Washington official stresses the important role the Church has played in defining trafficking as a crime against humanity.
Dedication to ending child hunger and improving maternal health in developing world recognised.
Ban Ki-moon and Pope Francis to discuss fight against poverty and inequality.
More aid needed to save lives and more troops and police to protect civilians: Ban Ki-moon.