A resolution has been made more difficult because of disagreement over the Northern Ireland Language Act, which would give legal status and protections to the use of the Irish language in Northern Ireland.
"Our city and our country have many urgent needs. I appeal to political leaders to put these needs first," Archbishop Diarmuid Martin
“We had a constructive discussion with the Taoiseach and his ministers and we focused on issues which are fundamental to sustaining the common good of Irish life” – Archbishop Eamon Martin.
There needs to be a clear exit strategy from modular housing and the use of hotels for families.
“Will those who continue to sincerely believe that marriage is between a man and a woman be forced to act against their faith and conscience?”
Government believes "the sexes are completely interchangeable and that men and women bring nothing special and distinct to the lives of their children” - Iona Institute.
Need for legislation to create ‘rent certainty’ in the private rented sector which would counter rent inflation.
"We cannot let Ireland continue to shirk its responsibilities around climate change."
New figures released by Focus Ireland show the number of homeless families in Dublin alone rose to 450 over the first 11 months of this year.
Funeral of renowned RTE broadcaster and UCD academic takes places in Dublin.
Papal Nuncio among guests honouring the most outstanding Irish photographic artist and photojournalist of the twentieth century.
Irish society must ensure that teachers receive the recognition they deserve: financially; in social standing; and the way concerns are addressed and supported.
Ireland has “strong bonds" with Filipino people through missionaries and Filipinos working here - Tánaiste.
Ireland should consider re-appointing a resident ambassador to the Vatican Deputy Michael McNamara suggests.