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Asia Bibi: “Please help kidnapped girls”

Asia Bibi, the first woman to be sentenced to death for blasphemy in Pakistan, has called on the Prime Minister to help Christian girls in her country who are abducted, raped and forced to marry their captors.


Christians “denied” food aid in Pakistan

Why did [the NGO] discriminate against Christians? Are they not citizens of Pakistan? We are all suffering from COVID-19 – Adnan, a Muslim in Karachi, quoted by AsiaNews.


Court rules men can marry minors in Pakistan

These laws are formulated and approved only to improve the image of the country in front of the international community, ask for development funds, and freely trade Pakistani products on the European market – lawyer, Tabassum Yousaf.


Allegedly abducted, Catholic teenager set to make legal history

"Please think of our child as though she were your own daughter. Please help us," – Huma's parents.


Astonishing Pakistani response to Irish woman’s rosary relay initiative

In total over half a million Catholics took part around the country, representing a huge proportion of the total Catholic population of the Islamic Republic, says parish priest in Karachi.


German nun given Google’s pride of place

Google’s social media quotes Sr Ruth Pfau who said about her first impressions of a Pakistani leper colony: “I could not believe that humans could live in such conditions.”


Warning over Pakistan’s failure to protect Christian women

Catholic lawyer Tabassum Yousaf highlights case of 18-year-old Binish Paul who was allegedly thrown from the roof of a second storey building after refusing to convert to Islam and marry a Muslim.


Irish consulate refuses visas to WMOF2018 pilgrims in Pakistan

About 10,000 families from around Pakistan had applied for visas; 600 from the archdiocese of Karachi alone. All requests were rejected.


Pakistani state funeral for Catholic nun who made fighting leprosy her life’s work

It is the first time that a Catholic has received this honour in the predominantly Muslim country.


Persecuted Church in Pakistan sees vocations boom

Lahore seminary rector sees increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life as “a sign of God's blessing” who is “always close to his people.”


The shamrock is there to be preached not drowned!

“Patrick did not play on differences but knew that faith could build bridges rather than walls” – Bishop Donal McKeown of Derry.

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