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Irish church

Diarmuid Martin gives a St Kilian’s Day vision of the future for our Church

The Church has to become less narrowly institutional and allow other forms of charismatic presence to animate it.


Radical reappraisal of what parishes might look like is needed: Bishop

At the annual Chrism Mass, Dr Nulty said he was “acutely aware of the ... strains that exist ... where the age profile of the priesthood continues to rise, and where sometimes even to organise relief cover is next to impossible”.


Maynooth to undergo review of policies and independent audit

Trustees order seminary authorities to evaluate and review policy relating to “the appropriate use of the internet and social media”.


ACP disquiet over selection process for new bishops

Priests' representatives question why the papal nuncio, Archbishop Charles Brown, refuses to meet them to discuss their concerns.


Association of Catholics in Ireland concerned over Maynooth crisis

ACI supports an independent investigation into the allegations, to be carried out promptly and with transparency.


ACP urge Irish bishops to hold a national synod

“The Church is at a cross-roads,” he said, “and we could get stuck at the cross-roads unless we decide to respond proactively”.


Primate calls for renewed mission to the family

Challenges currently facing the Irish Church are a springboard of opportunity for a new evangelisation of the Church in Ireland: Archbishop Eamon Martin.


Frank Duff: a model of robust lay leadership

The Legion of Mary founder realised decades ago that the lack of faith formation for and trust in lay men and women was a debilitating factor for the Church.


Talk invitation to censured Irish priest revoked

The policy of the Diocese of Cloyne is that a priest who is out of ministry, for whatever reason, cannot exercise a public ministry: Bishop William Crean.


Priest calls for structured conversation in the Church

Irish Church needs a church leadership which empowers the laity – the “sleeping giant”.


President Higgins attends Mass for Romero

Desperate attempts by thousands of refugees to cross the Mediterranean is a challenge to ‘Christian’ Europe, which demands a coordinated and compassionate response.


ACP writes to Pope Francis about Fr Tony Flannery

The CDF has never communicated directly with Fr Flannery or afforded him an opportunity to explain his position, ACP leadership tell Pontiff.


Church has stumbled but hasn’t fallen: Bishop Leahy

“The Church is in need of repair” and will only be regenerated if it is more inclusive and if clergy and laity work together.


Irish Church Urged to Move on from its Bickering

Archbishop appeals for serious dialogue about the contribution of faith and religious people.


President Higgins attends Iona service commemorating St Columba

Service at mediaeval abbey recalls 1,450th anniversary of St Columba's arrival on the island.

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