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carbon emissions

Vatican to offset Synod’s carbon emissions

The Synod is expected to generate carbon emissions of 572,809kg. In compensation, forestry licenses for the reforestation of ​​50 hectares in the Amazon basin will be purchased.


Synod on the Amazon opens with papal rebuke to mockers

In his address, Pope Francis hit out at the “mocking comments” made by some about the feathers worn by an indigenous man at the Synod’s opening Mass on Sunday.


SVP speaks out on fuel poverty versus carbon tax

The charity stated that if revenue is raised from carbon taxes in Budget 2020 it must be ring-fenced for a Just Transition Fund and measures to protect low income households from energy price hikes.


Bishops back today’s school strike on climate change

“My key message today is: wherever we call home it is incumbent on all of us to live responsibly, and in a sustainable way, always thinking of our neighbour” – Bishop Alan McGuckian, chair of the Bishops’ Council for Justice and Peace.


Inventive young scientists help developing world

Of the 550 projects displayed at the BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2019, 88 explored climate change and environmental issues, responding to challenges caused by excessive carbon emissions and toxic refuse generated by excessive lifestyles.


‘Nothing to be proud about in Ireland’s derogation on emissions’

'Get out' clause on agriculture is ‘an abdication of responsibility, not a diplomatic triumph,’ says Trócaire.


How will progress on SDGs be funded asks Trócaire

The Sustainable Development Goals summit will open today with an historic address from Pope Francis.


Pope’s encyclical on the environment due 18 June

Trócaire's conference 'Meeting the Challenge of Climate Justice' will examine how all sectors of Irish society can contribute towards building a low carbon future.


Government urged to give lead on climate change

Social Justice Ireland calls on the Coalition to ensure its policies on climate change are coherent.


Climate Bill is deeply flawed Trócaire warns

"We cannot let Ireland continue to shirk its responsibilities around climate change."


Climate change is a human crisis: Bishop Crean

'The Cry of the Earth' reminds Catholics in Ireland of their Christian duty to care for the Earth.


Government ‘dragging its feet’ on climate change bill

Need for independent monitoring of implementation of climate change targets.

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