Diocese "has an ancient and proud heritage whose roots stretch back almost one and a half thousand years preceding even its spiritual father, St Columba.”
Year of Mercy should contribute not just to the life of the Church but to secular culture, says new secretary to Pontifical Council for Culture.
Bishops refer to 1916 centenary commemorations and the coming general election in Christmas messages.
"Events from the past must be commemorated with mercy and never with arrogance, triumphalism or victimhood” - Bishop Donal McKeown.
Twenty priests hear confessions for five hours at shopping mall in Shannon at the start of the Year of Mercy.
"I pray that anyone who enters through the Holy Doors in our diocese will experience, in a profound way, the love of God who consoles, pardons and instils hope.”
Twenty priests will make themselves available in Shannon shopping centre for prayer, confession and chats on 8 December to "proclaim message of mercy".
“This year, the beginning of our Catholic new year will coincide with our preparations for a Jubilee Year of Mercy."
“Thank you Trócaire for not forgetting about me” were the words of one young bed-ridden mother of two.
Challenge is to learn G.F. Handel’s masterpiece 'The Messiah' in six weeks and perform it at the start of Advent.
“It will probably not help Catholics who are validly married and who unfortunately are in trouble with their relationship.”
Pope’s appeal for solidarity and welcome is a call for a creative and generous response in preparation for the Jubilee Year of Mercy.
New batch of seminarians is up on last year's cohort of 14 and brings the total number of resident seminarians training in Maynooth to sixty.
"Parents and grandparents today need our ongoing support and challenge to live up to the promises they undertake on behalf of their children” - Bishop Treanor.