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John Paul II Awards take place in Dublin next week

The Church in Dublin will be enriched the more it welcomes the idealism and the generosity that are characteristic of the younger generation – Archbishop Diarmuid Martin.


Diocese of Limerick hiring a “Pastoral Outreach and Formation Worker”

Essential requirements for the role(s) available include relevant qualification or experience in catechetics, religious education, theology, leadership, pastoral care or youth ministry.


Church leaders call for Northern Ireland’s restored devolution in new year

While we acknowledge that points of difference obviously remain, the goal of restoring devolution remains within reach – Ireland’s church leaders.


Schedule for Pope Francis’s visit to Africa unveiled

Irish missionary, Fr Eddie Murphy, believes the papal visit will highlight the extent to which the Church in Africa is dynamic and still growing.


Priest calls for structured conversation in the Church

Irish Church needs a church leadership which empowers the laity – the “sleeping giant”.


Regular Mass attendance at 20% in Down & Connor

"Parents and grandparents today need our ongoing support and challenge to live up to the promises they undertake on behalf of their children” - Bishop Treanor.


Respond! CEO Fr Patrick Cogan to retire

Franciscan was one of the founder members of Respond! in 1981 and has been its CEO for over 30 years during which time 5,500 homes have been built.


New bishop of Waterford & Lismore installed

“We put ourselves at the service of others especially those most in need in our society: the poor, the sick, the vulnerable, those who feel alienated from God”.


Pope affirms women on International Women’s Day

Two projects whose work benefits women and their communities receive ‘Women: Sowers of Development’ prize at Vatican event.


Mickey Harte extolls values of 50s and 60s Ireland

“It was not a time of plenty, but it was spiritually rich” recalls Tyrone football manager.


All Hallows seeks partners or sale of campus

“Ideally, All Hallows College would like to retain a presence on campus to continue aspects of its mission" - Fr Patrick McDevitt, President.


Pope Francis appoints Bishop McKeown Bishop of Derry

"Bishop Donal brings many gifts to his new role": Archbishop Eamon Martin.


Archbishop Martin to receive Vincentian Charism Award

Recognition of Archbishop's leadership in addressing child protection within the Church.


Soul at work: spiritual leadership in organizations

Each of the organizations that Margaret Benefiel profiles in this lively and informative book shows the profound role that spirituality, defined as "the human spirit, fully engaged" can play in leadership and organizational life.


Who’s in charge? Towards a leadership of service

The papers of the 2009 Céifin Conference edited by Harry Bohan explore the kind of vision, values and leadership required to repair the damage of the past and find a way forward.


The legacy of John Paul II

The theologians who wrote the essays for this book have done theology a great service. They have shown how Pope John Paul II in the twenty-six years of his pontificate progressed and developed the way the Church thinks on a wide range of themes: revelation, suffering, the Holy Spirit, communism, [...]


Leading life to the full: scriptural reflections on leadership in catholic schools

David Tuohy SJ provides guidance for lay principals and teachers who as part of their own commitment to God and ministry in the church wish to deliver a christian ethos in schools.


Spirituality of leadership: inspiration, empowerment, intuition and discernment

Addressing primarily those called to exercise leadership in voluntary or non-governmental agencies and in religious organisations of all kinds, Donal Dorr SPS shows they can provide a model of leadership that is both humane and effective.


High Quality Leadership: A self assessment guide for individuals and teams

Seán Ruth, an organizational psychologist highlights practical issues and difficulties around such processes as authority, decision making, conflict resolution, attacks, listening and influencing, looking at leadership in the context of change and liberation.


Pieces of my mind

Brendan Hoban has a feel for the telling phrase, the sound-byte that sums up pastoral dilemmas, like “not going to church anymore”, “teenage sex”, “making your own soup”, “neurotic curiosity”, “the grace of eccentricity”, “too many Bodenstowns”. He has the compassion to understand why people say the Church “doesn’t do [...]


Struggling to be holy

Local ministry development officer Judy Hirst shows us the the heart of being holy is also the heart of being truly human. A new edition of the 2006 book, with discussion questions on each chapter. A beautiful book.


With respect: authority in the Catholic Church

Lay theologian and lecturer at the Marino Institute of Education, Tony Hanna, explores the thorny problem of authority in the Church. He says himself: “The book is offered to all men and women who exercise, endure, rail against, submit to or grapple with authority. It is offered humbly and with [...]

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