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Women priests

Group meets Redemptorists over plight of Fr Tony Flannery

Some of those involved in his “withdrawal” have been “shown up to be a lot less white than they presented themselves, and some of them have become more oppositional, even ‘heretical’, than I or my censored colleagues in the Irish Church ever were”.


“Women do now walk the corridors of the Vatican”

Catholic peer Baroness Nuala O’Loan tells conference ‘Women and the Catholic Church’ there is “change afoot” in the Church in relation to women.


Poll shows two-thirds of Irish in favour of married priests

The survey of 875 adults took place at 64 locations across the country, between 23rd July and 6th August.


Mary McAleese stands by her trenchant criticisms of the Church

"It is not part of the culture of the Church to turn a spotlight on itself.”


Priest shortage tops concerns at Kilmore assembly

Results of feedback from 18-month listening survey in diocese's parishes highlights a range of concerns among young and old.


McAleese dismisses Pope’s Synod on the Family

Critical of males celibates who have no adult experience of family life advising on the family.


Church of Ireland Appoints First Women Bishop

“Excited and daunted by this new adventure.”

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