In an article questioning what lessons have learned from the Maynooth fiasco, Fr Brendan Hoban is highly critical of Irish bishops who accept unsuitable candidates.
The phenomenon of immigration is “new, different, and strange to the average Polish person”.
9th World Meeting of Families will be held in Dublin from 22 to 26 August 2018 with the theme ‘The Gospel of the Family: Joy for the World’.
“This is why I want a Church which is poor and for the poor. They have much to teach us." Evangelii Gaudium [198]
"Pope Francis realises that we do not live in a world where ... all that is needed is either to repeat doctrinal formulations or to set these doctrines aside and be ‘pastoral’.”
“We need to be aware of our sins and have the courage to drop the stones that we aim at others and think about the wrong we do”.
Cardinal Vincent Nichols and We Are Church Ireland commend Pope on the vitality and freshness that he has sustained over the past three years.
Television series explores inner struggle between the responsibility of being pope and the miseries of the man chosen as Pontiff.
Polish saint showed the sick how to “carry the cross of suffering with joy” - Pope Francis.
Pontiff announces special Jubilee Year of Mercy to begin on Feast of the Immaculate Conception and continue until Feast of Christ the King in 2016.
The first stop on his two-nation journey is Sri Lanka where it is hoped the Pope’s visit will help spur reconciliation efforts after the country's 30-year civil war.