The new cardinals’ origins from different parts of the world manifest the catholicity of the Church, spread throughout the earth.
Mauritius prelate studied for the priesthood in Ireland, while the Prefect of the new Dicastery for Laity, the Family and Life was born in Dublin.
Seventeen new cardinals, six of whom belong to dioceses that have never had cardinals before, will receive their red hats on 19 November.
Pope Francis could name 10 new cardinal-electors or even as many as 12.
Prelates told to keep their mind and hearts on Jesus and warned not to try and take over the vineyard of the Lord.
Pontiff urges cardinals to avoid the habits and ways typical of a court.
Sixteen of the nineteen are under the age of 80 and therefore eligible to vote in a conclave.
Media speculation focuses on Irish theologian from TCD.