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We want a national day of mourning and reflection, after COVID-19, says Irish Hospice Foundation

When the COVID-19 pandemic is defeated, the Irish Hospice Foundation (IHF) would like the government to declare a national day of mourning and reflection.

The foundation is calling for a series of events remembering those who have died since COVID-19 arrived in this country in March. The aim would be to [...]


Irish Hospice Foundation to host workshop on loss and bereavement

Every year roughly 400 people take part in the workshops.


A grave matter: Church funerals denied to priests accused of abuse, says ACP

Is it contrary to Canon Law to insist that funerals of priests accused of abuse must take place in private chapels?


Welcome for HSE standards on bereavement

One Day More welcomes use of the term ‘life-limiting condition’ in the new ‘Standards for Bereavement Care Following Pregnancy Loss and Perinatal Death’.


Irish aid agencies stress financial rectitude to shore up support

Trócaire and Concern underline their financial transparency and accountability.


Society depends so much on the family: Archbishop

"By destabilising marriage we are rapidly eroding the social structure on which humanity depends" warns Dr Michael Neary of Tuam.


Hope conference to address euthanasia concerns

Where laws enabling assisted suicide and euthanasia have been introduced, very quickly they are extended to those who are not terminally ill but disabled.


Bishop pays tribute to Irish Chaplaincy in Britain

“We can see from many current crises that no amount of policy will deter people from migrating," Bishop John Kirby said at the launch of 'Welcoming the Stranger' in London.


UK church seeks photos of Irish emigrant couples

The Sacred Heart Church in Kilburn is appealing to couples who married there for copies of their wedding photos for a display to mark its 150th anniversary.


Bring hope to those tempted to despair: Primate

Beannachtaí na Cásca oraibh go leir.


Spending time together at Christmas is what counts

Doing things together and making connections "strengthens our identity and recharges our batteries" says family expert.


Vatican really upset my health: Fr Brian Darcy

Inability to cope with the stress of church censure "gave me cancer”.


Tuam Diocesan Youth Council to host remembrance service

An opportunity to hear from others about the loss a young person and how they live with that loss.


New programme helps those suffering prolonged grief

Irish Hospice Foundation programme will support people 'overwhelmed by their grief'.


Forum calls for new end of life strategy for Ireland

We must get end of life care right, says Irish Hospice Foundation


Priest warns suicide is at crisis levels nationally

‘Living with Suicide’ takes place in Lough Derg today.


Lough Derg offers ‘Living with Suicide’ day

First ever day of support for those grieving a suicide or those who have attempted suicide.


A husband’s suicide

When Sarah McCarthy’s husband committed suicide, it was the news that she both dreaded and expected. She tells John Scally about the pain of loss and how her faith has supported her through the dark days.


Coping with death alongside Jean Sulivan

Jean Sulivan’s memoir of the death of his mother helps us to anticipate our own goodbyes and to enjoy the moments we share with those whom we love, writes Eamon Maher


We did the best we could

Nancy Donoghue writes about helping her children cope with the death of their sister killed in an accident.


A bereavement journey, Part I: Grief beyond grief

Kevin describes how counselling helped him to get to the bottom of his grief after the sudden death of his wife – by getting him to deal first with a much older source of grief.


A bereavement journey, Part II: Redeeming the past

Kevin continues his bereavement story by recounting the positive impact his experiences of grief had on his whole family and on others.


A star far away: grieving the loss of a son

Patricia O’Neill’s world fell apart when her 12-year-old son drowned in Wexford’s Kilmore Quay in 1998. But it was also the nightmare that guided her back to her faith, as Deirdre O’Flynn reports.


When a child dies

The death of a child mocks our sense of the natural order of things. It tests and sometimes breaks our faith in a loving God. Martha Manning, a clinical psychologist, explores the emotional upheaval experienced by families of children who have died or who are terminally ill, and suggests ways [...]


Unexpected endings: miscarriages

For most parents, the sudden and unexpected loss of a child through miscarriage is an emotional as well as a spiritual crisis. M. Fran Rybarik describes the unique sense of loss parents experience and suggests ways in which family and friends can support them in their grief.


The pain of miscarriage

In the course of one year, Anne O’Leary and her husband John suffered two miscarriages. Anne describes their terrible pain and tells why they are determined to keep on trying for a baby brother or sister for their son James.


How to comfort the grieving

Charlotte Maluski gives advice on how best we can provide some comfort and support for people who are suffering a bereavement.



Life doesn’t always turn out the way we thought it would and we are sometimes tempted to indulge our disappointment. Paul Andrews SJ says Jesus would not want us to waste energy blaming ourselves.


Journey out of grief

Bethany Bereavement Support Group is a parish-based ministry which aims to help and support those suffering any loss. The name Bethany recalls the visit of Jesus to Mary and Martha on the death of their brother Lazarus. In today’s world, it is not widely understood that the grieving process may [...]


Grieving: a beginner’s guide

Conventional thinking sees grieving as something to be “got over”, “recovered from”. In this practical handbook for grievers, Jerusha Hull McCormack urges us, on the contrary, to “properly attend to” the pain of grief. Grief can then be seen as a quest that leads to discoveries that transform your whole [...]

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