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Bishop William Crean on Church, society and politics at book launch

We seem to be embracing in the name of tolerance and diversity an illiberal liberalism whereby for ideological reasons we stifle expressions of identity and culture – Bishop William Crean.


Women must be respected and honoured, states Pope Francis

Women’s bodies must be freed from consumerism. They must be respected and honoured, said Pope Francis in his homily on the first day of the year, which is dedicated to the figure of Mary, Mother of God.


Fashion Week about-face results in St Anne’s Cathedral show

'Our Resale Rail Sale will help to increase awareness of the bigger issues of fashion and textiles eco-damage,' says fashion show promoter Cathy Martin.


Irish missionary highlights destructive impact of mining in Amazon

The world is living in a culture of bankruptcy that is moral, ethical, spiritual, political and cultural, Columban Fr Peter Hughes tells NJPN annual conference.


‘Church must reflect the importance of women’

“I believe that we have not yet come up with a profound theology of womanhood in the Church” - Bishop Donal McKeown of Derry.


Church is not just a Church of the perfect: Archbishop

"We remember in our prayers those who have had to flee from their homelands that they may find peace through the welcome of believers in Jesus Christ."


Bishop questions arguments based on emotion

“It is not for us to judge people, but that doesn't mean that we should not make objective moral judgements,” Bishop Kevin Doran.


Pope cautions against faith based on visionaries

“We are close to coming to a decision," the Pontiff told press on flight back to Rome from Sarajevo regarding the investigation into the alleged Marian apparitions at Medjugorje.


Religious life is called to play an essential role

Christian ethic of self-giving and generosity challenges the Church, which is called never to be self-promoting: Archbishop Martin.


Pope issues message for World Day of Peace

Pontiff warns of “tragic phenomenon” of human trafficking, in which the “unscrupulous prey on the lives and the desperation of others.”

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