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Armenian genocide

Exhibition on Irish High Crosses and Armenian Khachkars

Armenian community in Ireland urges the Government to recognise the 1915 genocide in which over 1.5 million Armenians were killed.


Pope’s reference to Armenian genocide sparks Turkish outburst

"May God preserve the memory of the Armenian people. Memories should not be watered down or forgotten; memory is a source of peace and of the future."


Pope Francis begins papal visit to Armenia today

A spokesperson for the Pope said the Armenian phrase Medz Yeghern, which translates as the “great evil” or the “great catastrophe”, was preferred to genocide.


Christian unity shouldn’t be “for one week only”

Chairperson of the Dublin Council of Churches urges members and patrons not to return unchanged to their various Christian communities.


Turkey agrees first new christian church in 90 years

Churches have been restored and reopened to the public, but no new church has been built until now.

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