We need Lay Canons from the coal-face secular disciplines of politics and medicine; and Ecumenical Canons from the broad range of Christian and religious traditions.
The question of celibacy is already being discussed at the highest levels in the Vatican – Noel McCann, ACI.
Report shows the number having no religion exceeds the number describing themselves as Christian for the first time ever.
Rare designation is given by the Holy Father to places of worship which are of particular historical significance.
Bishop notes "serious decline in vocations to the ministry" in those Churches that do not ordain women.
People urged to commit to some act of solidarity or kindness in memory of Taize founder Bro Roger Schutz (1915-2005).
Irish Jesuit convert whom Pope Francis declared Venerable last November draws Christian Churches together in remembrance.
Co-chairman of ARCIC suggests in interview with Church of Ireland Gazette that Catholic Church could one day allow Anglicans to receive the Eucharist.
"Each ordinariate is different, but we share a common goal and a lot of the challenges we face are common ones."