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Mansion House Fuel Fund

Live Animal Crib is reminder of first Christmas

IFA President thanks the Lord Mayor for his hospitality and asks people to think of making a contribution to the Lord Mayor’s Fuel Fund, which helps families in need.


Live animal crib opens

“The IFA Live Animal Crib is one of the traditions of a Dublin Christmas and reminds us of the simplicity of the Christmas message.” - Dublin Lord Mayor Mícheál Mac Donncha


Live animal crib gets makeover

“The Crib reminds us of the simplicity of the Christmas message and represents a small piece of the countryside in the heart of Dublin’s vibrant bustling streets” – Brendan Carr, Lord Mayor of Dublin.


Live animal crib opens at Mansion House

Gift from the farmers of Ireland aims to raise money for the homeless.


Enduring appeal of IFA’s live animal crib

Next year marks the 20th anniversary of live nativity scene.

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