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Irish Farmers Association (IFA)

Country and city raise funds at live animal crib

The Christmas experience may have evolved, but the nativity remains at the centre of what Christmas is all about – IFA.


Irish Farmers Association visits Africa

Self Help Africa was created in the wake of the Ethiopian Famine of 1984/5 to create long-term solutions to hunger and extreme poverty in the region. The IFA supported one of its first actions – the shipment and distribution of 2,000 tonnes of Cara Donegal seed potatoes to famine affected communities in Ethiopia.


Live animal crib opens

“The IFA Live Animal Crib is one of the traditions of a Dublin Christmas and reminds us of the simplicity of the Christmas message.” - Dublin Lord Mayor Mícheál Mac Donncha


Live animal crib gets makeover

“The Crib reminds us of the simplicity of the Christmas message and represents a small piece of the countryside in the heart of Dublin’s vibrant bustling streets” – Brendan Carr, Lord Mayor of Dublin.

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