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Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments

Archbishop cautions against “undue haste” over sacraments

Dr Diarmuid Martin is worried about parishes taking initiatives to “get First Communions and Confirmations done” as churches in Dublin close once again over sharp rise in Covid-19 numbers.


Clonmel celebrates ‘Memorial of Mary – Mother of the Church’ feastday

“The Church is feminine” and “she is a mother” Pope Francis tells congregation attending Mass at Casa Santa Marta on 21 May.


ACP welcomes Pope’s new law on liturgical translations

The motu proprio ‘Magnum Principium’ comes into effect on 1 October 2017. It decentralises the process for approving translations of liturgical texts, and returns responsibility back to national bishops’ conferences.


Pope Francis to wash the feet of 12 refugees

A change in the rules made at the request of the Pope means women may now officially be among those whose feet are washed.


Belfast-born bishop ordained in Westminster

Bishop Paul McAleenan studied in St Patrick's College, Thurles. Prior to his episcopal ordination, he was a priest of the Diocese of Westminster for over 40 years.

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