The breath of God’s life “saves us from this asphyxia that dampens our faith, cools our charity, and strangles every hope”.
“We need a conversation which includes everyone, since the environmental challenge we are undergoing, and its human roots, concern and affect us all” - Pope Francis.
Series of gun and suicide bomb attacks leave at least 120 people dead and 200 more injured in Paris on Friday evening.
“Science & technology have placed in our hands unprecedented power: it is our duty towards humanity, the poor and future generations, to use it for the common good.”
Cardinal Turkson warns, “We clearly need a fundamental change of course, to protect the earth and its people – which, in turn, will allow us to ‘dignify humanity’."
Lenten message calls believers to a new conversion - to believe in and live the communion of saints, to reach out to the poor and those 'far away'.