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Rise of the Roses

Several women and a man profess religious vows

“We are beginning to hear more stories like this throughout Ireland" among Catholic religious orders - Vocations Ireland.


Primate pays tribute to those in consecrated life

Though their numbers are smaller today, Irish religious still make “an immense contribution” to Ireland and the world by living their particular apostolates and charisms.


Archbishop Neary relaunches Diocesan Youth Council

New projects are to be rolled out in Tuam over the next 12 to 18 months for young people aged 12 -35 years old.


‘Roses’ tour celebrates Year of Consecrated Life

Members of new group 'Rise of the Roses' to visit ten convents on consecutive Saturdays from 13 June to 15 August to affirm religious sisters and promote religious life.


Primate launches Year of Consecrated Life in Armagh

Bishop Nulty suggests religious congregations consider having an ‘Open House’ in an effort to allow society gain a deeper understanding of their charism and life.

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