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Dominican general chapter marks 800 years

It was God who inspired St Dominic to found the Order of Preachers and put preaching at the heart of their mission: Pope Francis.


Boring long sermons? Tell the priest!

Homiletic directory gives guidelines for preaching but the most important thing is 'authenticity of preaching' says Director of Priory Institute, Fr John Littleton.


New Sister professed for Dominicans in Cabra

"Our freedom is not license but has within it the demands and choice of personal and communal responsibility.”


Dominicans to withdraw from five Irish locations

No timetable set for implementation of withdrawal process which Order says is due to declining membership.


Alpha conference to focus on parish life

Fr Michael White to speak about reviving his local church in Maryland.


Seeds for the soul: Sunday homilies for cycle B

Brendan McGuire provides homilies for every Sunday of the year when Mark’s gospel is read. The focus of the book is God’s redeeming love and our response to his love in concrete ways in the ordinary lives of ordinary people.


Sunday thoughts.com

Martin Tierney has gathered together personal reflections based on the Sunday and feastday readings for the three year Liturgical cycle. They are both inspirational and a good resource for people preparing Sunday Liturgies.


Seeds for the soul: Sunday homilies for cycle A

Brendan McGuire was born in Bray, Co Wicklow. He worked in IT in the USA before being ordained in 2000 and is now pastor in San Jose, California. Here he shares his Sunday homilies for the year when Matthew’s gospel is read. We have chosen his homelies for the six [...]


And that’s the Gospel truth

Jack Mc Ardle outlines the Gospel readings for Year C, offers reflections, personal parables on the various themes, outlines the teachings, suggests practical responses and reinforces them all with life stories. It is particularly suited for the interested layperson.


Oscar Romero – the preacher

Brian J. Pierce OP examines Archbishop Romero’s life as a catechist and evangeliser, his heroic response to the divine injunction to bear witness to the truth and to justice, especially in defence of the poor and oppressed.


Preaching hope from prison: Cardinal François Nguyen Van Thuan

Cardinal François Nguyen Van Thuan died from cancer in September, 2002. In 1975 he was named coadjutor archbishop of Ho Chi Min (Saigon). Just three months later he was imprisoned by the communist government. He spent thirteen years in prisons of the regime, nine of them in solitary confinement. In his [...]


Preaching God’s Word on Sunday

Desmond Knowles, parish priest in Dromore diocese, presents this collection of straight-forward homilies followed by prayers of the faithful for Cycle A. Easily understood by a regular Sunday congregation.


At the Breaking of Bread – Homilies on the Eucharist

Fr Patrick Jones selected these homilies on the Eucharist as reflections on many of the scriptural themes contained in the Apostolic Letter Mane nobiscum Domine. It should be a source of inspiration for all engaged in pastoral ministry.


Savvy and the preaching of the Gospel

In a thought-provoking booklet, Desmond Fennell responds to Vincent Twomey’s book on Irish Catholicism.

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