"I look forward to meeting with hundreds of Irish pilgrims on the banks of the Danube next September," says Bishop of Elphin.
“The lessons we have learned in the European Union during the 2015 migration crisis should serve to remind us of the need to address migration in a cooperative and comprehensive manner. ”
There was a focus on the post-war years when there were appeals for the Congo, Biafra and East Pakistan.
According to Dublin diocesan archivist, Noelle Dowling, some of the material on display on Friday night includes photographs and letters of thanks and appreciation from Vietnam, which suffered devastation during 20 years of war from 1955 until 1975.
Head of the Church in England and Wales, Cardinal Vincent Nichols, gives address at symposium on St Thomas a Becket at Lambeth Palace.
“Migrants are not a threat to the EU but our policies are a threat to them” - Caritas Europa.