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Dublin Regional Homeless Executive

Ireland needs homes, not emergency beds, says Focus Ireland

“We believe if the legislation had been passed as many as twenty of the families who became homeless in Dublin every month would still have a home” – Sr Stan.


Homeless figures reach record levels

This must be seen as a “line in the sand” for the government. “They must see this cannot continue,” says Focus Ireland in week where homeless families were directed to Garda stations for shelter.


Housing funding process is too slow to impact homeless crisis

671 families with 1,257 children have become homeless in Dublin in the first eight months of 2016.


Homeless charities concerned at closure of shelters

Bru Aimsir in Dublin, which has been full every night since it opened in December, catering for 100 people, is to close this week.


New guide to help homeless access services

In some cases, families and individuals entitled to support have spent time sleeping rough due to a lack of information: Crosscare.

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