Senator Ronan Mullen today (17.9.14) challenged the Government to reform its handling of asylum applications to make the system ‘fit for human dignity’ Speaking in the Seanad during a private members motion on the direct provision system seconded by Senator Paul Bradford Senator Mullen said it was wrong that hundreds of opplicants for asylum were forced to spend years in the direct provision system awaiting the processing of their applications. Senator mullen’s motion called on the Government to establish female only and family only reception centres, grant the right to seek employment and give leave to people in the system for four years already to remain in the state. The motion also called on the Government to ensure the security, safety and comfort of each resident in the centres. Pic shows Senator Ronan Mullen chatting with Hamalys Akyamba an asylum seeker from DR Congo, Ben Kwanzi an asylum seeker from DR Congo, Maurice Kiesse from Spirasi a humantarian organisation which deals with victims of torture,Greg Straton Director of Spirasi which deals with victims of torture, Patricia Murambinda an asylum seeker from Zimbabwe, Gerald Musekiwa an asylum seeker from Zimbabwe, Robert Fimbo an asylum seeker from DR Congo outside Leinster House today. Pic John Mc Elroy. NO REPRO FEE. Further info Senator Ronan Mullen 087-2446911.