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Video – Meet Grace McBreen “she’s a little miracle”


Source: Love Both


Love Them Both – Archbishop Eamon Martin as the 25 May Referendum approaches

Dear brothers and sisters,

When I wrote to you in January about protecting the Eighth Amendment, I invited you to spread the word about the precious gift of life from the first moment of conception until the moment of natural death.  I encouraged you to be “missionaries [...]


Bishop John Buckley’s pastoral message on the Right to Life

Within days Ireland will be facing a Referendum to remove the right to life of the unborn from the Constitution.  I am asking you to reflect on a number of issues and misinformation that people have brought to my attention since the publication of my pastoral letter.


Pastoral message by Bishop Kevin Doran to the Diocese of Elphin on the Right to Life

Dear Parishioners,

Today we celebrate the Holy Spirit whom we describe in the Creed each week as the “Giver of Life”.  We have five days left to do all that we can to protect that Gift of Life.  I want to acknowledge the generosity of all those [...]


Video – Frank, Social Worker

Abortion is often coerced or forced, particularly for vulnerable young women. Listen to Frank, a social worker, explain.


Source: Save the 8th


Video – Dr Rory Maguire – Heart is beating at 22 days


Source: Irish Doctors for Life.com



News: Estimates of the number of abortions if the 8th is repealed

The LoveBoth campaign held a press conference this morning to launch an independent actuarial report*   to review the potential effect of a vote for repeal on Ireland’s abortion rate.

Commenting at the launch, LoveBoth spokesperson Caroline Simons stated:

“Minister Simon Harris has previously drawn comparisons between his proposed law and the abortion laws in [...]


Video – Choose Life – Life-limiting conditions are still life

“The term fatal foetal abnormality is not only hurtful to parents, it is also medically inappropriate and misleading. No doctor can say with certainty just how long a child with these conditions can live outside the womb” Tracy Harkin


Video-Dr Niall Maguire-Abortions will take priority over every other gynecological procedure


“Each surgical abortion will take priority over all other gynecological or obstetric services because you can’t have a waiting list for an abortion. This is estimated to be approximately 2,000 within one year if the 8th Amendment [...]


Video – In Britain 97% of abortions are on healthy babies to healthy mothers


In England and Wales 97% of all abortions are carried out under ‘Ground C’, which means there is a risk to the mental health of the mother. But even Ann Furedi, head of the British Pregnancy Advisory [...]


Video – Abortion is not Healthcare


Irish Doctors explain why Abortion is not healthcare and why they are voting No.

Source: Save the 8th


Video – John Bruton says Vote No

“The proposed legislation would allow the abortion of a healthy baby from a healthy mother for any reason at all in the first 3 months of a 9 month pregnancy. It also allows for the abortion of a healthy baby in the first 6 months of a 9 month pregnancy [...]


Video – The 8th protects both Mother and Baby


The Supreme Court says that only the 8th Amendment protects the right to life of the unborn baby. If the 8th is repealed, every unborn baby will have no constitutional rights.

Source: Save the 8th


Video – Real Compassion doesn’t kill


Real Compassion is giving expectant mothers practical and emotional support. Real compassion is not abortion.

Source: Save the 8th


Spring pastoral letter on human life by Archbishop Kieran O’Reilly SMA

Dear parishioners and all people of good will in the Archdiocese of Cashel and Emly,

Spring has at last come and I wish to send you greetings and good wishes.  The harsh winter we have experienced is now coming to an end as the signs of new [...]


Pastoral letter by Bishop John Fleming to the Diocese of Killala

“True compassion does not marginalise anyone, nor does it humiliate and exclude; much less consider the disappearance of a person as a good thing” – Pope Francis

I am aware that the current public debate on the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution of Ireland, Article 40.3.3, is complex, [...]


Video – Dr Andrew O’Regan of the Medical Alliance for the 8th

Addressing the crowd at the Stand Up for Life rally in Dublin on May 12th 2018, Dr Andrew O’Regan of the Medical Alliance for the 8th said:

“We have heard a litany of falsehoods and exaggerations – designed to create a climate of panic – to distract from the reality of repeal [...]


Video – Conor’s Story


Source: Love Both.ie


Video – Abortion and Mental Health


Source: Irishdoctorsforlife.com


Video-Dr Ronan Cleary


Source: Irishdoctorsforlife.com


Pastoral message by Bishop Ray Browne on the right to life of the unborn child

“So great is the value of human life, and so inalienable the right to life of an innocent child growing in the mother’s womb, that no alleged right to one’s own body can justify a decision to terminate that life” (Pope Francis, Amoris Laetitia 83)

The current Referendum campaign is causing great hurt [...]


“Celebrate Life” – pastoral message of Bishop Alphonsus Cullinan

It is not easy to speak about the up-coming referendum.  But it is absolutely necessary.  We will not get this chance again.  It is about life and death.  Everyone listening to or reading this letter started life in the womb of his or her mother.  We are reminded [...]


Pastoral letter by Bishop Dermot Farrell on the Right to Life

My dear people,

In these days, every person in Ireland, is being asked to consider a fundamental question, a question that lies at the heart of allowing a child the possibility of reaching their potential.  All of us, especially people of faith must engage in this debate; [...]


‘We Love Both’-pastoral message by Bishop John Kirby on the sanctity of human life

The decision of the Government to hold a referendum on repealing article 40.3.3 – the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution of Ireland – is a major challenge to the respect for life that has been so much part of our culture for generations.

Article 40.3.3 – the Eighth Amendment of the Constitution – reads:

“The state [...]


Video – Daithí Mac Carthaigh Abhóide Clip 3


Reference: Legal Information Hub @lawyers2018


Video – Daithí Mac Carthaigh Abhóide Clip 2


Reference: Legal Information Hub @lawyers2018


Video-Daithí MacCarthaigh, Abhóide Clip 1


Reference: Legal Information Hub @lawyers2018


Video – Benedict Ó Floinn Barrister 2


Reference: Legal Information Hub @lawyers2018


Video – Benedict Ó Floinn Barrister


Reference: Legal Information Hub @lawyers2018


Video – Aindrias Ó Caoimh Former High Court Judge/European Court of Justice


Reference: Legal Information Hub @lawyers2018

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