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Lucky people

Anne Power recounts her experience of deepening in prayer and meditation and discovering that this was bringing her back, after many years away, to the Catholic Church of her youth.


Saint Benedict on personal prayer

Andrew Nugent OSB explores the Rule of St Benedict for what it might teach us about personal prayer.


Taizé – a parable for today

Fr Peter Sexton writes about Taizé, that in itself is a ‘parable of community’ and brings reconciliation between divided Christians and separated peoples. He explains how it brought healing to one of his students.


Worship, prayer and ritual

From the Veritas ‘Into the Classroom’ series: Christopher O’Donnell OCarm examines the role of ritual, prayer and contemplation in different faith traditions, paying special attention to the Christian tradition.


Just do it

This month (June 2008) the Pope asks us to pray ‘that Christians cultivate a personal friendship with Christ that they may convey his great love to those they encounter. Brendan Comerford SJ explains how we can do this.


The forgotten art of blessing

Blessings are an important part of our faith, writes Sascha T. Moore; it’s time we made them an important part of our lives.


A prayer comeback

Dympna M. McMahon tells us how a casual encounter with a man on the bus changed her outlook.


Creating Soul-Space

Donal O’Leary stresses the importance of giving time each day to creating “soul space” in our lives.


Figuring out the Parables

In this article on the parables Seán Goan focuses on stories about Christian living and prayer. As we have come to expect from Jesus the teacher the parables on these topics are not lengthy sermons but short stories that paint vivid pictures.


Last testament of a murdered monk

Fr Christian de Chergé, Superior of his monastery and one of the seven French Trappists killed by Algerian terrorists in 1996, wrote a last testament to be opened in the event of his death. This is it.

If it should happen one day – and it [...]


Prayer of repentance

Wilfrid Harrington OP examines the role of lamentation and repentance in the prayer of the people of Israel and how it can contribute to our understanding of a God of compassion and love.


Share in prayer

Sean O’Rourke tells his experience of sharing prayer with his own young children.


Catholic dreamtime

Although he acknowledges the risk of commercialisation, Father Paul Andrews SJ is sure there is a real place for images, symbols and popular devotions in all true spirituality.


To thee do we cry

Gerald writes: Dear Father, ‘To Thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears.’ This passage in the Hail Holy Queen strikes me as depressing. It is little calculated to lift anyone’s spirits. Fr Bernard J McGuckian SJ replies.


Getting a better read on your faith

The ancient practice of Lectio Divina gives you a leg up on prayer and spiritual development, writes Lawrence S. Cunningham.


Mary Kearney

Mary Kearney tells how she experienced God in the difficulties she had in her marriage.


Prayer and the Gospel parables

Wilfrid Harrington OP examines some Gospel parables which are centred on the theme of prayer and sees what lessons we can draw from them.


1. Alphonsus: patron of arthritis

Peter Ward C.Ss.R. proposes St Alphonsus Liguori, founder of the Redemptorists, as patron for all those suffering from arthritis, sciatica, muscular pains, and the like.


Practising the Lectio Divina

Michel de Verteuil CSSp explains in a practical way the prayer method of Lectio Divina, a manner of contemplating scripture and integrating it with all the goings-on of one’s life.


Preparing for Christmas in the family

Declan and Sarah O’Brien from Prosperous in Co. Kildare share a novel and simple way of preparing for Christmas with their children by building an atmosphere of love in the home.


The Rosary

Garry Wills believes that the Rosary, all twenty mysteries, is a form of devotion ideally suited to the modern world, when so many are seeking a form of contemplation, spiritual renewal and calm. It contains reflective meditations and lavish illustrations by Tintoretto


What we hand on

In an important article about handing on the faith in contemporary Ireland, Fr Paul Andrews SJ says, “What we hand on to our children is not so much doctrine or practices, as the capacity to love”.


The blessing of Galway Bay

Eustás Ó Héidáin OP describes the Blessing of the Bay ceremony held each year in the Claddagh, Galway. He sees it as a colourful expression of ancient, local faith.


This is your mother

Dermot Mansfield SJ takes his helping stint at the Church of Our Lady of Grace on Chiswick High Street, London as his jumping off place for thoughts on Mary and prayer.


Sacred Space

Sacred Space is a website for prayer begun in 1999 by two Jesuits, Alan McGuckian and Peter Scally. It now averages 20,000 visitors a day. Paul Andrews SJ tells its story.


Enter into your heart

‘Enter into your heart and you will pray.’ This is the formula Dermot Mansfield SJ gives us to tune into our own hearts where, he says, the Holy Spirit is already praying ‘with sighs too deep for words’.


Come and have breakfast!

“Come and have breakfast” are homely words that engage us easily. Brendan Clifford OP uses them to set the scene for this “lectio divina”.

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