This Saturday, in preparation for Pentecost, the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available across the Waterford and Lismore diocese in open-air venues. For the list of confession times and venues, see the diocesan website – Bishop Cullinan.
“It is a good thermometer of the thirst out there for something more. People are being ignited by it.”
“Catholics and people who hold that all human life is sacred from the first moment of conception have no obligation whatsoever to obey this law.”
Bishop Phonsie Cullinan warns that Reiki can be a channel for evil spirits and announces the setting up of a deliverance team in his diocese.
"If you are pro-life and a Students Union president, you will have a hard time in Ireland. Where is freedom of speech?” asks Bishop Phonsie Cullinan.
"What kind of example is Irish society setting its young people if it cannot do without alcohol being on sale for one day."
For the first time ever, former students who did not reach ordination, have also been invited back to international reunion at St Patrick's College Thurles.