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Woman and scholar in Judaism win Ratzinger prize

By editor - 19 June, 2014

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French biblical scholar Anne-Marie Pelletier has become the first woman to be awarded the Ratzinger Prize for theology.

Professor Pelletier is also an expert on the question of women in Christianity and the Roman Catholic Church.

A second Ratzinger prize was awarded to a Polish priest who also is a biblical scholar, Professor Mgr Waldemar Chrostowski, who has been involved in dialogue between the Catholic and Jewish faiths.

Cardinal Camillo Ruini, who is the committee president of the Vatican Joseph Ratzinger Benedict XVI Foundation announced the prize winners, who will receive their awards on 22 November.

The award is named after Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and was set up in 2010 as a ‘Nobel Prize in Theology’.

Professor Pelletier is a scholar of hermeneutics and biblical exegesis who has also written two books on the role of women in Christianity.

She is professor of biblical teaching at the European Institute of Science of Religions (IESR) and has taught at the Notre Dame faculty of the seminary of Paris.

Professor Chrostowski is the general editor of the journal ‘Collectanea Theologica’ and is the president of the Association of Polish Biblicists.

He teaches theology at the Warsaw Academy, now Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University, and in various other universities and seminaries. He is one of the Polish bishops’ representatives for dialogue with Judaism.

Anne-Marie Pelletier, born in 1946, taught general linguistics and comparative literature at the University of Paris X, then Marne-la-Vallee, as well as theology of marriage at the Catholic Institute of Paris.

She has for some years taught sacred scriptures and biblical hermeneutics at the Notre Dame faculty of the seminary of Paris.

Since 2013, she has held the role of professor of biblical teaching at the European Institute of Science of Religions (IESR).

ENGLISH VERSION OF POPE'S NEW BOOK, 'THE INFANCY OF JESUS,' SEEN AMONG VOLUMES IN OTHER LANGUAGES AT VATICAN PRESS CONFERENCEHer research extends to Judaism and Christianity at the College des Bernardins, and the monastic world.

She has published widely: notable works in the field of hermeneutics and biblical exegesis are ‘Lectures du Cantique des Cantiques. De l’enigme du sens aux figures du lecteur’, ‘Lectures bibliques. Aux sources de la culture occidentale’, ‘D’age en age les Ecritures. La Bible et l’hermeneutique contemporaine’, and ‘Le livre d’Isaie, l’histoire au prisme de la prophetie’.

On the question of women in Christianity, she has written two books: ‘Le christianisme et les femmes. Vingt siecles d’histoire’, and ‘Le signe de la femme’.

“Pelletier is therefore a most distinguished figure in contemporary French Catholicism”, Cardinal Ruini commented and added, “who unites deserved scientific prestige and a great and versatile cultural liveliness with an authentic dedication to causes of the highest importance for Christian witness in society”.

Mgr Waldemar Chrostowski was born in 1951 in Chrostowo, Poland. He holds a doctorate in theology and in 2013 received the title of university professor from the President of Poland.

He is the general editor of the journal ‘Collectanea Theologica’ and is the president of the Association of Polish Biblicists.

His scientific and didactic production is extensive and includes his dissertation ‘Prophets before history. The interpretation of the story of Israel in Ezekiel 16, 20 and 23 and their reinterpretation in the Bible of the Seventies’, the two volumes of ‘The Garden of Eden – known testimony of the Assyrian diaspora’ and ‘Assyrian diaspora of the Israelites’, ‘God, Bible, Messiah’, and ‘The Church, Jews, Poland’.

He teaches in the faculty of theology of the Warsaw Academy, now Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University, and in various other universities and seminaries.

“Mgr Chrostowski is engaged in Catholic-Jewish and Polish-Jewish dialogue and has for some time been a member of the commission of the Polish episcopate for dialogue with Judaism. He unites scientific rigour with passion for the Word of God, service to the Church and engagement in interreligious dialogue”, Cardinal Ruini stated on Tuesday.

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