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Piccolo Lasso sing for Pope on New Year’s Day

By Sarah Mac Donald - 28 December, 2015

Piccolo LassoTwenty-five singers from Piccolo Lasso, the junior choir of the Dublin Choral Foundation, with their director Dr Ite O’Donovan, are travelling to Rome today to participate in the 40th International Congress of Pueri Cantores.

Dr Ite O’Donovan is the Irish National President of Pueri Cantores.

As part of the Pueri Cantores congress programme, the Piccolo Lasso singers will be among 3,000 singers from all over the world who will meet Pope Francis in a private audience on Thursday, 31 December in the Paul VI Audience Hall.

On New Year’s Day the combined choirs of Pueri Cantores will unite with the Sistine Choir in singing the Mass for New Year’s Day in St Peter’s Basilica at 10am.

In addition to the Congress events, Piccolo Lasso will sing the Vigil Mass at the Dominican Church of San Clemente on Saturday 2 January at 6.30pm.

On Sunday 3 January Piccolo Lasso will sing at the 11am Mass in the Church of Ss Trinità dei Pellegrino, near the Ponte Sisto.

Piccolo Lasso and the senior choir, The Lassus Scholars, have sung on many occasions in St Peter’s Basilica.

Piccolo Lasso with Benedict XVIOn 1 January 2011, two boys from Piccolo Lasso – cousins Mark Keegan and Conor Gleeson – presented the gifts at the Offertory to Pope Benedict in their distinctive burgundy robes.

Choir director Ite O’Donovan and singer Katie Conway were also introduced to the Pontiff.

Piccolo Lasso caters for boys and girls aged eight to fifteen.

Piccolo Lasso has represented Ireland at the International Congresses of Pueri Cantores held in various European cities since 1998.

In recent years they have performed in Rome (December 2010), Florence (October 2012) and Paris (July 2014).

The choir sang in Westminster Cathedral, London in October 2008 and 2009 and in February 2011.

Another visit to Westminster Cathedral is planned during 2015 and for Rome at the end of December 2015.

Piccolo Lasso has broadcast frequently on Television and Radio. Members have participated in many Opera Ireland productions including the company’s final production of ‘Tosca’ in November 2010.

During 2013 Piccolo Lasso added their voices to numerous performances of Carmen with the Opera Theatre Company and in 2014 in ‘The Magic Flute’ with Lismore Opera and Dublin’s Opera in the Open.

In April 2014 and May 2012 the singers took part in ‘The Falling Song’ with the modern dance company Junk Ensemble.

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