By Sarah Mac Donald - 09 May, 2018
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Organisers of the annual Rosary Relay for Priests say they are aiming to attract as many as 10 million participants in this year’s prayer vigil which takes place worldwide on Friday 8 June.
In a statement, Marion Mulhall, founder and CEO of Worldpriest, said it was “all systems go” for coordinators across the world as they prepare to get “the entire world praying the rosary for one purpose – to pray for the sanctification of all the priests who minister to millions of Catholics around the world”.
Worldpriest is a lay organisation of professional communications people which was formed in 2003 to “Affirm the dignity, beauty and gift of the Priesthood of Jesus Christ to Humanity.”
CEO Marion Mulhall is the inspiration behind which she formed in response to St John Paul II’s announcement of a World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests to be held annually on the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Marion has appeared on international television programmes including EWTN’s Live in Alabama USA. She has addressed the USA Bishops’ Conference, and many other Catholic gatherings globally, sharing her mission of supporting priests who serve faithfully in Christ’s name.
Worldpriest is a not-for-profit organisation with offices in Dublin and New York.
The annual Global Rosary Relay Day for the Sanctification of Priests has become one of the largest gatherings “of a world at prayer for one purpose, one prayer, one day”.
Speaking ahead of the event, Marion Mulhall said, “This year we believe we will exceed the incredible 10,000,000 participants who joined us in 2017 as we bring huge numbers of people from all cultural backgrounds together again to offer their prayers worldwide from a number of new prayer locations in various corner of the world.”
She pointed out that 2018 has seen the incorporation of a new item on the Worldpriest website, namely – ‘Every Thursday is Rosary Thursday’ – the day to pray the Luminous Mysteries for the Sanctification of Priests. It can be found at:
“In order to maximise participation we will fully exploit social media, including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, as well as local and global live television broadcasts by EWTN and other networks. Radio will also be used to bring this amazing event to life again,” said Ms Mulhall.
Over the years the relay has seen an increase in the number of participants year on year.
Those interested in taking part are advised to study the participating prayer location list and prepare to join with their family or local community in prayer.
During the 24-hour period, starting at midnight on 8 June, the relay will travel around the world, with each prayer location participating at different times throughout the day and then passing on to the next location in relay fashion.
“The effect is to have a virtual spiritual tsunami circling the globe,” organisers have said.
The participating prayer location list which will expand and grow in number nearer the day of prayer can be checked at:
According to Marion Mulhall, plans are also underway to mark “a huge milestone” with next year’s tenth year of the Rosary Relay for Priests.
“We are planning many celebrations,” Ms Mulhall said and urged those interested in knowing more to sign up to the newsletter on to learn about these forthcoming events.
Participating prayer location list for Ireland:
21B: Ireland, Dublin (GMT 10.15)
Local prayer time (11.15)
St. Mary’s Pro-Cathedral, Dublin
Luminous Mysteries
27A1: Ireland (GMT 13.15)
Local prayer time (14.15)
Father Patrick Peyton Centre Attymass. County Mayo.
Glorious Mysteries
27B: Ireland (GMT 13.30)
Local prayer time (14.30)
National Shrine of Our Lady of Knock
Luminous Mysteries
27C: Ireland (GMT 13.30)
Local prayer time (14.30)
Church of the Assumption Booterstown Avenue
County Dublin
Sorrowful Mysteries
30C: Ireland (GMT 14.45)
Local prayer time (15.45)
Our Lady of Dublin Whitefriar Street Carmelite Church
Glorious Mysteries