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First Communion Dress

30 November, 1999

My daughter’s school has decreed that the first Holy Communion group this year are to receive communion in their normal clothes with the family at Mass on any Sunday. We expected the usual white first Communion dress for our daughter. I remember my first communion day as such a happy occasion with all my friends and a lovely outfit. Its a shame my daughter would miss out on this special day because of the school’s high-handed attitude. What can I do?

There are many reasons why there has been a trend away from what we might think of as a traditional first Communion day, with the boys all dressed in white and the girls looking like brides.

The Eucharist should be a regular occurrence for Catholics. Rather than make first Communion something entirely different, it is good to put it in the same context as the second and third Holy Communions – your child with the family at Mass.

So often the trappings, the dress, clothes, party, cards and presents can completely overshadow the Eucharist itself, both in the child’s eyes and even for the parents.

Many of the traditions are now outdated. As most people receive Communion in the hand it is inappropriate for children to wear gloves or have anything else (like rosaries, candles or prayer books) in their hands.

The Communion breakfast stems from the days when those who received Communion had to fast from all food from midnight the night before.

If you are worried about the style of celebration of the first Communion in your parish, then have a chat to those who are organising it.

It may well be appropriate and enjoyable to arrange a Communion breakfast for your daughter and some of her friends.