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Advent Moments: Week 4, Sunday,

21 December, 2014


Sunday of the Fourth Week of Advent 21-12-14


Detail from Fra Angelico's Annunciation

Detail from Fra Angelico’s Annunciation


Mary heard the word of God, she pondered it in her heart. But she is to be numbered among those who are blest because they not only hear the word of God but keep it and put it into practice (cf Lk 11:28).

The Advent Virgin is a woman of faith. Her faith is profoundly seen in her total ‘yes’ to the angel.
She declares herself to be the ‘doule’ or  slave of the Lord (cf Lk 1:38) where the words  ‘servant’ or ‘handmaid’ are both too weak as translations of  ‘doule’). A slave is one with few or no rights. Mary stands before God so that his will be fully done in her. …Anne Thurston, A time of waiting, Columba press

Gospel: Luke 1#;45

Blessed is she who believed that
there would be a fulfilment
of what was spoken to her by the Lord.

Reflection: The joy of faith   

believe i nJesusFaith in Jesus is one of the rocks of our lives. Mary was praised by many in the gospel for her faith — for believing that what God promised her would be fulfilled. There were many testings of that faith in the hardships of her life because of her son. Love calls for acceptance of pain and different frustrations, but love promises its own fulfilment of freedom and joy.

When we look back at a time of any change in life, we will generally be most grateful for the friendship, love and care we received and gave to others. Love is the most fulfilling of all God’s gifts, and Mary was blessed for all her life with the happiness of believing strongly in God’s nearness to her and involvement in her life always.


Son of Mary, save us,
Son of God, save us,
Brother of us all, save us.

Please offer a prayer today for :

all who have loved us into and in life.
siblings, grans and relatives,
friends, teachers, and good neighbours,
fellow parishioners and co-workers,
even other people who may have hurt us – yes, it’s that kind of season!


Our thanks  to all those who helped, were quoted or whose pictures we used in th making of this site.
Our thanks especially to Donal Neary SJ  for the use/adaptation  of the text of his booklet,
Praying in Advent’.

Columba Press